Love Jays Support Marriage Equality


Watch this video if you are confused as to why…



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Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 2

Hey Love Fans!

In this week’s episode we discuss the “Harlem Shake”, social media in relationships, relationship titles and what you should do if your boo is broke. Featuring special guest Jordan Harbinger, co-founder of The Art of CharmMen, you definitely won’t want to miss this one!

Click the picture above to view the show.



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© LoveJays 2013

Love Jays on TradioV LA: Pilot

Hey Love Fans!

Just 3 weeks after our appearance on Forkin’ Amazing, we were offered to host our very own show on TradioV LA! Click on the picture above or follow this link to view our pilot show.

Our show will air live on Saturdays at 11:00 a.m. PST and we would love to get our community of readers involved in the show!

Special thanks to Will (MC Prototype) and Janine for being our featured guests. Show your support and download his latest album, Chasing Dreams on iTunes or at




Industry X

Q: Dear Love Jays,

What is your stance on porn?

A: Dear X-Rated,

Porn as industry is causing much more harm than good – if any. Throughout my adolescent and teenage years, I was consuming porn several days a week. I first starting viewing it out of sheer curiosity, but then it became a habit. I attended an all-boys high school, so my only true outlet (up until I received my driver’s license) in satisfying my sexual appetite was through the internet. When I left for college, my consumption of porn dropped significantly, but I would still watch it a few times a month. Fast forward to today – I have given up porn completely and couldn’t be happier with my decision.

Aside from the COMPLETE degradation of women, porn take a subconscious grip of your mind and influences our actions. The way I viewed women, spoke to women, thought about women – it was primarily negative. Porn wasn’t the only factor in influencing these actions, but it definitely played a strong part. As I have become older, my views towards women have shifted dramatically and I can no longer seek to inspire and uplift young people while simultaneously subjecting myself to the enjoyment of porn.

I do not judge nor have ill-feelings towards anyone who consumes porn. I would challenge all of the men to hold themselves with higher regard and have more respect for women – and most importantly, yourself. And to the ladies who allow men to strip you of your self worth – realize the beauty and power you possess inside. No amounts of money or fame can ever fill the void of losing yourself.


Mr. J

A: Dear Interesting Question, 

This is such a short, but loaded question. I will give you a short and hopefully less loaded answer. 

I don’t have any strong feelings in regards to porn. I would not encourage it, but I would not frown upon someone who watches it in their own time. 

When it comes to porn and relationships it is important to find out how your significant other feels about you watching it alone, you watching it together and/or them watching it alone. If it starts to interfere with your intimate time with your partner then chances are there is a larger problem. Nothing is good in excess. 


Miss J 

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© LoveJays 2012

Chris Brown…Rude Boy?

Last night Chris Brown released a video featuring his most recent ex-girlfriend,Karrueche Tran and ex-girlfriend #1 ,Rihanna. He posed the question “Can you love 2 people at once”. His argument was that he had history with one woman (Rihanna), but has fallen in love with another woman (Karrueche Tran).


This very same subject was the theme of last week’s Monday Funday, in which we featured an article on Wyclef Jean admitting he loved both is wife and Lauryn Hill at the same time.

One of our readers (Matthew B.) commented saying:

” The concept of  ‘loving’  more than one person at one time is built on a spineless foundation of indecision. The difference between being mature or immature is founded on one’s ability to make decisions in life with conviction and accountability, based on a standard of consideration for your fellow man.” -Matthew B.

While another reader (EOW) said:

“From the reading it seemed like it was quite a complex situation where there were two different types of love with two different women.”

To be clear, we are not excusing Chris Brown’s history of domestic violence in regards to Rihanna. We will save that topic for another discussion.

We want to hear more from you. What are your thoughts?


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© LoveJays 2012