There are two Chelmon species that look very similar to the Copper Banded Butterfly called the Marginalis Butterfly (C. marginalis) and the Mueller’s Butterfly (C. muelleri). Although perhaps sold as tropical fish, some species of Prognathodes are decidedly cool water fish that live in water no warmer than 70 degrees (Kuiter, 2002). We offer a free open forum and reef related news and data to better educate aquarists and further our goals of sustainable reef management. Let’s not get too hasty though, as we take a look at some butterflyfish that may be worth trying in your coral tank. Part 1 of the new journey. If the reef is healthy and in good conditions, it can support the coexistence of many different species of butterflyfish, so their presence is evidence of the good overall status of the ecosystem. Home / Fish / Butterflyfish. Their diet in the wild consists entirely of plankton, making them a nearly perfect “reef safe” butterfly in captivity. The Klein's Butterflyfish Chaetodon kleinii was described by Bloch in 1790. The first two species are the most common and easiest to obtain, and also the most colorful. While butterflyfish are generally considered not reef safe, the copperband will generally not bother corals, with a few individuals nipping at them from time to time. Save 29%. are relatively straightforward to acclimate to captivity, although not as easy as the Heniochus spp. are generally found at temperatures quite a bit lower than most reef aquarium owners are happy with. The same applies to Chelmon. The diet for the French Butterflyfish should consist of nutritious frozen food, although live brine may be necessary to entice the fish to eat when it is first introduced. Butterflyfish in Your Reef?! The genus Hemitaurichthys is sort of like the butterflyfish counterpart to the angelfish genus Genicanthus. Reef Fishes. An occasional harmless nip on your corals are to be expected, but most often than not it is not damaging. is the world's leading destination for sustainable coral reef farming and the aquarium hobby. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... Reef Safe: Warunkowo. Many aquarists have reported success with keeping these fish with small polyp stony corals such as Acropora and Montipora, but large polyp stony corals may be picked on. RNN Episode 140 – Skimmers Part Duex w/ David Lee Two. RadJag: Northeast Florida Marine Aquarium Society: 25: 05-09-2016 10:25 AM: reef safe butterfly/angel fish: turtlesoup23: General Reef Discussion: 9: 09-16-2010 07:19 PM: who said a copperbanded butterfly and foxface were reef safe? butterflyfishes in the same aquarium, but are generally very peaceful to unrelated fishes. The Longnose Butterflyfish, sometimes called the Forcepsfish, (F. flavissimus), has the widest range of any butterflyfish, being found throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans from East Africa to the west coast of Central America (Allen et al, 1998). The short answer is yes, however, to achieve this you need to do some work to keep them happy, which I will explain in detail in this article.. First of all, this specie, like any other reef fish for that matter, exhibits considerable individuality in … Like the Chelmon spp., they may be enticed to eat by using a chunk of live rock covered with small feather dusters, brittle stars, bristle worms, or with frozen prawn chopped up and smeared into the crevices. Equipment is important for this hobby, but proper fish selection is critical for success. Unlike Forcipiger however, the Chelmon butterflies may take awhile to start feeding and getting used to captive life. The same is not to be said in our reef tanks however; butterflyfish, as reefy as they get, are relegated to living in FOWLR systems. I’d like to say there is one simple and obvious distinguishing characteristic between the two species, but the truth is that the differences in these traits can vary with the age of the fish, as well as variation between individuals. Oviparous. the long-long nosed butterflyfish is the 3rd of the 3 100% reef safe butterflies. Your email address will not be published. Prognathodes: A gorgeous P. marcellae in the wild. Despite their fragile and delicate appearance, the Forcipger spp. Here’s another group within the Chaetodon genus that are worth a try. The Copper Banded Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus) is one of the most commonly seen butterflies in fish stores due largely to its beautiful appearance, but also due to its appetite for pest Aiptasia anemones. Though it does well in a coral-rich tank, it will nip the polyps of hard stony coral species. Many people report that these species will pick at corals but in mature aquariums this may not be problematic enough to warrant their removal. If a Hemitaurichthys has caused problems with corals, I have yet to hear of it. Picture by Luiz Rocha. Their diet in the wild consists entirely of plankton, making them a nearly perfect “reef safe” butterfly in captivity. Update on Adam’s Tank. The bulk of reef inhabiting species that make their living eating off corals as well as frightening would-be butterfly enthusiast. Angelfish (Reef Safe) Blennies & Gobies Boxfish Butterflyfish Butterflyfish (Reef Safe) Cardinalfish Chromis & Anthias Clownfish & Damselfish Dartfish & Dottybacks Dragonets Foxface/Rabbitfish Hawkfish Pipefish ... Reef safe with caution: This species may be a … In H. diphreutes, the snout is shorter, the breast is more rounded (Kuiter, 2002), and the back margin of the anal fin is less angled towards the posterior end of the fish when compared to the very similar H. acuminatus. Birmingham, AL 35242. It’s not too different with the butterflies too. The location of collection is a very important factor in the health and longevity of C. rostratus in captivity–individuals collected in Australia are generally much healthier than those that come from other areas. It it best kept in a fish only community tank that is well decorated with rocks/ corals and many hiding places. Not many know that this genus boast of two other very rare cousins of the copperband butterflyfish, making the number in this small family, three! The captive care of this group of fish varies a great deal due to the special feeding requirements (live coral polyp) of some species. Most individuals will begin feeding on just about anything floating in the water within a few days and readily adjust to captivity. Email me when available. Saddleback Butterflyfish are not reef safe and may eat most stony corals, a few soft corals, and invertebrates that inhabit any live rock. Chelmon spp., the Banded Butterflyfishes. DO NOT PLACE A RACCOON IN A REEF!!!! In the aquarium trade you are much more likely to encounter F. flavissimus than F. longirostris. Fish Blue/Green Reef Chromis. RNN Episode 138 – Served Up On A Plate: A Fantastic Looking Substrate. So, despite the fancy title after my name, please, take any statements I make (or anyone else makes) about butterflyfishes with a huge grain of salt. Butterflyfish are also known to seek out anemones, tubeworms and bristleworms. Only one species, the Caribbean Deepwater Butterfly (P. aculeatus), is relatively common in the aquarium trade. Butterflyfish are common on the reef during the day but as dusk approaches, they can be seen looking for suitable hiding places on the reef, under a coral head or overhang in which to spend the night safe and protected. Some nipping here and there but usually nothing really serious. It is easily recognized by the bright yellow areas on its head and tail and the aforementioned triangular white patch in the middle of the body. The upside of this fish is that it is very easy to keep and will live peacefully in groups in a spacious tank. The diet for the French Butterflyfish should consist of nutritious frozen food, although live brine may be necessary to entice the fish to eat when it is first introduced. Butterflyfish reach an adult size of six inches in captivity. So, are Copperband Butterflyfish Reef Safe? I can tell you there have been numerous stops where we’ve seen a Humu Picasso, Clown, Niger or Undulated Triggerfish at a LFS and thought, “I wonder if those are safe for a reef tank”. Fortunately, both have somewhat similar behavior and requirements in reef aquariums. Reef Safe: No Care: Easy Diet: Omnivore The Auriga Butterflyfish, also known as the Threadfin Butterflyfish, is one of the more popular and readily available butterflyfish. When it comes to dealing with Aiptasia, C. rostratus sits right smack dab in the middle of “reef-safety-ness” where we want a butterfly to be–it tends to leave almost all corals alone the vast majority of the time, but has just enough of a hankering for sessile invertebrates that it will (somewhat) regularly prey on Aiptasia. The beautiful colors, delicate shapes, and graceful swimming movements attract aquarists everywhere. Like Centropyge, some level of risk is to be expected around soft corals and LPS, but I have found them to leave SPS corals alone. [email protected] Description: The Auriga Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga) is also known as Threadfin Butterflyfish. However, there is a subgenus in Chaetodon called Roa (from Allen et al, 1998) or Roaops (from Kuiter, 2002) that is considered “safer”, although not entirely safe, to place in a reef aquarium. Photo by J. Charles Delbeek. The beautiful colors, delicate shapes, and graceful swimming movements attract aquarists everywhere. The video above by Jeremy Maneyapanda features two Prognathodes (P. aya as well as a P. guyanensis x P. aya hybrid), and a Chaetodon declivis in his reef tank. The fishes in the genus Hemitaurichthys are widely considered to be the safest genus of butterflyfishes to place in a mixed reef aquarium. Reef Safe Triggerfish? A Guide to Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes. Your email address will not be published. are generally hardy fish and easy to acclimate to an aquarium diet. Provided they are kept at the proper temperature, the Prognathodes spp. There is only one fish in this genus, the Schooling Bannerfish (H. diphreutes), that is considered relatively safe to include in a coral reef aquarium. On the one side of this scale are the planktivorous butterflyfishes that likely won’t touch your corals but they won’t touch Aiptasia either (although there are rare exceptions), and on the other side of the scale are the butterflyfishes that will certainly devour Aiptasia but then move right along to snacking on your desirable corals. Its diet should include a variety of meaty preparations. Adult Auriga Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga) Keoki and Yuko Stender Behaves in the typical Butterflyfish manor, but is one of the more aggressive species that is best kept singly or as a mated pair.It will often chase related species and other non-related fishes that have similar color patterns. So… I did something new. There are a few species considered easy to keep. There are so many examples of angelfish living harmoniously with corals in full blown reefs. Prognathodes spp., the Deepwater Butterflyfishes. Generally seen in pairs or in small aggregations. The Bank Butterfly (P. aya) and the closely related Marcella Butterfly (P. marcellae) are somewhat more rare, but can be found in the aquarium trade with some regularity. Adding Control 2 the mix. by a diagonal band that cuts the body in half. All are hardy, and eat almost anything readily in the aquarium. The French Butterflyfish is said to be the most “reef safe” Butterflyfish, due to no photosynthetic corals living as deep as where it resides. Therefore it is important to choose the correct species in relation to the corals wanted, if one desires to keep Butterflyfish in a coral-aquarium. Chaetodon mitratus, the Mitratus Butterfly. F. longirostris has a smaller mouth and so may be a bit more difficult to get eating on larger chunks of food. Butterflyfish are some of the most beautiful fish found on the reefs, and unfortunately many of these can be moderate to difficult to acclimate to captive conditions. If the species of Butterflyfish you seek is not reef-safe, not hardy, not easy to feed, or doesn’t perform a special beneficial behavioral service in your tank, odds are it can be difficult to find the species you’re looking for. Butterflyfish are also known to seek out anemones, tubeworms and bristleworms. The yellow long nosed butterfly is less reef safe, but still score a very high rating. They are also relatively peaceful as butterflyfishes go, although C. mitratus can be particularly aggressive even with unrelated species. Hemitaurichthys spp. With those caveats out of the way, please read on. Quick View. Allen, G. R., Steene, R., and Allen, M., 1998. Once eating well and recovered from the stress of transport after a few months, Chelmon spp. In their natural habitat the Prognathodes spp. The genus Forcipiger contains three species. Joel: Fish Archive: 12: 10-09-2003 10:47 AM: Henniochus Butterfly, reef safe? Given a healthy one however, they make excellent reef inhabitants and are safer than most Centropyge. Australian fish will cost considerably more than fish from other areas, but it is well worth it to get a healthy fish. Marine biologists use some obligate corallivores like butterflyfish as indicators of the health of a coral reef. 24 per page 36 per page 48 per page . Once you have gotten a Chelmon sp. For example, I kept a C. mitratus that had a curious habit with Tubastrea corals; although I never witnessed it nipping at the adult polyps, it would pick at newly settled polyps that resulted from asexual budding and keep them from opening. The Yellow Pyramid Butterfly (H. polylepis), often simply called THE Pyramid Butterfly, is found across the tropical Pacific Ocean. They are however, not safe with small benthic creatures such as tube worms, feather worms and most other worms. Fish, or coral. Reef Fishes. Reef safe butterfly? This manicured japanese reef tank also features a Prognathodes, this time P. marcellae. There are over 120 described butterflyfish species, but only some can adapt to the aquarium. As with … So, are Copperband Butterflyfish Reef Safe? The Bennett's Butterflyfish is a non-reef safe fish. Of course, this may be easier said than done. Live brine or frozen mysis shrimp may be needed to entice them to feed if they are shy at first, but this is generally not a problem. Generally a hardy species, in the wild it is found on inner and outer reef slopes. This two genera are some of my favorites, with butterflies that possess forcep-like mouths. Given a healthy one however, they make excellent reef inhabitants and are safer than most Centropyge. In smaller tanks they can be victims of aggression from larger butterflyfishes, angelfishes, or surgeonfish, so their tankmates should be chosen carefully. TFH Publications, neptune City, NJ. However, the surge of interest in biotope aquariums has led many people to create habitats designed specifically for deepwater fish and corals at the proper temperatures. The Roaops spp. Once the fish has grown accustomed to this, you can try squirting the food directly into the mouth of a large Aiptasia anemone. They range from 12 to 22cm (4.7 to 8.7 inches) in lengt… The Prognathodes spp. The exception here are star polyps, which are frequent targets of the Copperband Butterflyfish. In captivity the Roaops spp. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. feeding reliably on something, try feeding it with a turkey baster for several days or weeks. Chaetodon tinkeri, the Tinker’s Butterfly. It has a black bar down its face and another down the posterior of its body and fins, with yellow on its fins and a yellow tail. It does better with other non-aggressive fishes, but can be placed into a moderately-aggressive community if … G~ _____ Remember, a butterflyfish is ever curious, and they love exploring your tank with their mouths. Chaetodon auriga (Threadfin Butterflyfish) Distribution: Indo-Pacific: Red Sea and East Africa (extending to Mossel Bay, South Africa, to the Hawaiian, Marquesan, and Ducie islands, north to southern Japan, south to Lord Howe and Rapa islands. Generally a hardy species, in the wild it is found on inner and outer reef slopes. Butterflies are a gorgeous and diverse group of fish. The Prognathodes spp. It should not be kept with any of its species unless it is introduced to the aquarium as a male and female pair. 5511 Highway 280 Ste 310. Filter Showing 1 - 10 of 10 products. Photo by J. Charles Delbeek. In general, most copperband butterflyfish will not attack the corals in your tank–but they do tend to enjoy eating clams, tube worms, and mollusks–so technically, they are not really reef safe, but there are a lot of reports of people keeping them safely with their corals. H. diphreutes is very easily confused with the Reef Bannerfish (H. acuminatus), a fish that is generally considered a substantial risk to place in a coral reef aquarium. The Chelmon spp. Prognathodes basabei, the Orange Margined Butterfly. Wrasses, Reef Safe; Miscellaneous Fish; ... Butterflyfish. n the wild it is one good sized butterflyfish, reaching a length of just over 9 inches, in captivity it reaches around 5-1/2 inches. Remember–just because a retailer sells a fish as “the reef safe bannerfish”, or “H. In terms of their tendency to snack on corals, the Pyramid Butterflyfishes are the best choice for a mixed reef aquarium. Rightfully so! Butterflies like C. assarius, G. guentheri, C. dolosus and the likes are often found swimming in mid water, picking floating particles as they float past. See the Bennett's Butterflyfish in the wild "fluttering" among the rocks, followed with a Tomato Clownfish in his anemone. No other butterfly is probably as famous as the Copperband butterflyfish, which hails from the genus Chelmon. Select options. A pristine Copperband Butterflyfish finds a home in Bradley J Syphus’ reef tank. While keeping a fish in water 5-10 degrees warmer than they ever experience in the wild may not kill it overnight, it is a major stress on the fish that I would not recommend trying if you expect it to lead a long and healthy life in your care. The Longnose Butterflyfish, sometimes called the Forcepsfish, (F. flavissimus), has the widest range of any butterflyfish, being found throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans from East Africa to the west coast of Central America (Allen et al, 1998). Although there are plenty of examples of great reef aquariums that break the rules with predatory butterflyfishes, these fish are usually added after the tank has matured for several years to a point where the corals can tolerate a little nipping here and there. Having kept four out of the five in full-blown reef set ups, I can say with some confidence that they are on the safer side and worth a try if you are willing to take a little risk. There are at least 11 species in the genus, with more undiscovered species likely waiting to be found. The largest genus of butterflyfishes, the Chaetodon spp., includes virtually all of the obligate corallivore butterflyfish that would quickly decimate even large coral colonies in captivity, as well as many other species that are very likely to consume several different large and soft corals. This concludes our look at a few interesting species of butterflyfishes that can be kept in reef aquariums. Butterflies are generally community fish in nature, though some more pugnacious species may terrorize smaller or more docile fish. Created by Lone Star Templates Bristleworms, tubeworms and other small invertebrates are also a part of the diet for many Butterflyfish. Small chunks of live rock with plenty of feather dusters or bristle worms may help tide them over on their natural prey. In the wild, polyp extensions are usually reserved for feeding at night, and in the day, are kept in check by reef fishes such as, butterflyfish. Unfortunately their tendency to pick parasites can lead these fish to harass certain sharks and rays relentlessly in captivity, but this is not a concern for most reef aquarists. butterflyfishes inhabit very deep water or subtropical regions where ornamental fish collection is rare; some species are among the rarest and most expensive butterflyfishes that one can purchase for a home aquarium. If the reef is healthy and in good conditions, it can support the coexistence of many different species of butterflyfish, so their presence is evidence of the good overall status of the ecosystem. Therefore it is important to choose the correct species in relation to the corals wanted, if one desires to keep Butterflyfish in a coral-aquarium. Okay, so what’s the downside? Four of the species, C. tinkeri, C. burgessi, C. declivis, and C. flavocoronatus are restricted to small ranges in the Pacific Ocean, while C. mitratus is restricted to the Indian Ocean. The upside of its cosmopolitan diet is that it savagely attacks any Aiptasia anemones that are placed in the tank with it. ... Reef safe with caution: This species may be a … Prognathodes butterflies, like the Roaps, are deepwater water members and can be kept in your reef tank with some caution. The Yellow Longnose Butterflyfish (Forcipiger flavissimus) behaves in the typical Butterflyfish manner, but is a species that is best kept singly or in larger aquariums as a mated pair. Florent's Guide To The Caribbean Reefs - Reef Butterflyfish - Chaetodon sedentarius - Butterflyfishes - - Butterflyfishes - Florida, Bahamas, Eastern Caribbean, Bermuda, Gulf of Mexico - The diagonal band is most obvious in the Tinker’s Butterfly (C. tinkeri), and thus the butterflyfishes in this subgenus are also sometimes called the “Tinkeri Complex” (from Michael, 2004). Butterflyfish need a good sized tank. Email me when available. These two species are restricted to Australian waters (and thus are usually in very good health and adapt much more readily to captivity than most C. rostratus individuals. I know they are generally not considered reef safe, but I also know there are several of you out there that have kept butterlies successfully in your reef. If you’ve ever wondered what a fish looks like when it is thinking “that **** just stole my food!” this is one way to find out. Mention a butterflyfish and most reefers will cringe akin to their SPS polyps retracting. More aggressive butterflyfishes or angelfishes may pester and attack them in a smaller aquarium. There are a few species such as the Raccoon Butterflyfish and Merten’s Butterflyfish that would be suitable for a reef tank. Quick View. This is especially so for C. rostratus, the copperband butterflyfish. Raccoon Butterflyfish - Reef safe? Description: The Auriga Butterflyfish (Chaetodon auriga) is also known as Threadfin Butterflyfish. Here is a quick overview of some of these species: Spotted Butterflyfish ( Chaetodon guttatissimus ) – Recommended for both soft and stony corals, the spotted butterflyfish grows up to 5 inches long and it can be found throughout the Indian Ocean. Those that do come in healthy are often very difficult to get eating aggressively, which doesn’t help matters. Butterflyfish reach an adult size of six inches in captivity. Therefore it is important to choose the correct species in relation to the corals wanted, if one desires to keep Butterflyfish in a coral-aquarium. In many ways, certain species such as these shown here are just as, if not safer than many Centropyge and Pomacanthus angels. While not nearly as safe as Forcipiger and Chelmon, these are not necessarily disastrous. No matter what a website, magazine, book, or local fish store tells you, no one can predict how a given species of fish will behave in your aquarium. 5511 Highway 280 Ste 310. Live tubifex worms, live adult brine shrimp, and live mysis may be good first foods. Reef Breeders Photon V2+ LED Light: The Definitive Review, Fauna Marin’s ICP Analysis now Available for Direct Shopping, The Ice Storm Clownfish is the “Next Gen” Snow Storm. Wrasses, Reef Safe; Miscellaneous Fish; ... Butterflyfish. First of all, this specie, like any other reef fish for that matter, exhibits considerable individuality in terms of feeding habits. TMC Publishing, Chorleywood, UK. Most Butterflyfish are best kept in fish only tanks or fish only live rock tanks. Found on the reef edge and upper slope. This species is generally not an aggressive fish. Quick View. These may be worth a try, and i’ve had good success with C. guentheri in reef tanks. The other upsides of these fishes are that they are relatively easy to keep, and get along just fine in groups if the tank is spacious enough. Display: 24 per page. Heniochus butterflies are good schoolers (the reef safe kind). Raccoon Butterflyfish - Reef safe? A large tank with ample hiding places is needed to successfully maintain some species. All butterflyfishes are not reef safe ) Cardinalfish Chromis & Anthias Clownfish & Damselfish Dartfish & Dragonets... As “ the reef looking for small invertebrate prey bit more difficult adjust... Along well in a spacious tank and reef setup your tank was described by Bloch in 1790 '' need! 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