Guidelines for Good Practice in the Conduct of Clinical Trials with Human Participants in South Africa. South African Nursing Council is the body entrusted to set and maintain standards of nursing education and practice in the Republic of South Africa.. patient care and which is equipped with at least the minimum physical, South Africa is also a country of political resistance; after 82 years, the organised multiracial struggle against unjust rule fi nally won democracy in 1994, along with a con-stitution that establishes the foundation for democratic institutions and upholds wide-ranging human rights. %%EOF // --> . accepts responsibility; a working environment which is free of threats, intimidation and/or Many research studies have been based on in-complete data, as systematic data on international flows of health workers from South Africa, and indeed from his/her rights in terms of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and The accountable practitioner As a registered nurse you will be legally and professionally accountable for your actions, irrespective of whether you are following the instruction of another or using your own initiative. // -->