Moral psychology: egoism and altruism; empathy; cognitive and affective attitudes. Preparation and active participation also count towards your grade. Normative Ethical Theory . 25-87), Pt. We will examine a number of positive and negative answers to this question. Along the way, we will look at contemporary discussions of the relation between the demands of morality and those personal obligations that spring from friendships, as well as recent views about the nature of well-being. See supra note 4 and the material immediately preceding this note. They are not required, but I encourage you to buy them and to make use of them. From Hursthouse, On Virtue Ethics: Introduction (pp. April 28 - Transition Nicomachean Ethics, book I Nicomachean Ethics, book VII, chapter 11–14 Nicomachean Ethics, book X, chapters 1–6 read EMP, chapter 6: “Ethical Egoism” (pp. 19–34), March 10 - Kant: The Kingdom of EndsGroundwork, section II (second half) (pp. Rewrites are due one week after the graded original is returned to you. The course reader is available in the philosophy department office (208 Cooper House). ڒ5ɜ�^I�K:C:�2�9k�uk�. Their purpose is to ensure that everyone has studied the assigned reading and to encourage thoughtful discussion in class. Theories of the good: Sidgwick's ethics, goodness and axiology, well-being. Traditionally, theories that judge actions by their consequences were called “teleological,” and theories that judge actions by whether they accord with a … In the study of In Part 1 of this course, we will closely examine a number of rival ... Microsoft Word - Phi 319 Normative Ethics Syllabus.docx Created Date: Normative ethics, that branch of moral philosophy, or ethics, concerned with criteria of what is right and wrong. • A notebook for completing writing assignments Course Description: This course is an introduction and survey course in … stream 1. Papers that are submitted late and without an extension will be marked down ⅓ of a letter grade (from A- to B+, for example) for every day of lateness. Though they will not be graded, I will collect them at the end of class. 1-22), Pt. III (pp. A crucial question of normative ethics is whether actions are to be judged right or wrong solely on the basis of their consequences. Course details Description In this course, we look at concepts and theories in normative ethics and metaethics. In this course, we explore central themes in metaethics and normative ethics. 76–90) take quiz on EMP, chapter 6 (using the course web site and Blackboard) in class. Thomson Wadsworth. This syllabus is for a graduate seminar or intense upper‐level undergraduate course. It includes the formulation of moral rules that have implications for what human actions, institutions, and ways of life should be like. The following books about writing have also been ordered. %PDF-1.3 It is concerned with the articulation and the justification of the fundamental principles that govern the issues of how we should live and what we morally ought to do. The course is divided into five parts: (1) Foundations of Business Ethics (2) Ethics in Decision- Making, (3) The Corporation and its Purpose In Society, (4) Organizational … CTY Course Syllabus Required Items: • th Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics 9 ed. Your final grade will be determined as follows: 20% Short Paper35% Long Paper 135% Long Paper 2 5% Preparation 5% Participation. Syllabus . We end by considering moral theories that attempt to formulate basic principles of morality. LO 1 Ability to engage in informed critical reflection on the nature of professionalism and ethical challenges inherent in professionalism. We will also study one of modern morality’s harshest critics: Friedrich Nietzsche. 1–12), March 3 - Kant: Moral Worth and the Moral LawGroundwork, section I (second half) (pp. Module 3. 12–18), March 5 - Kant: The Categorical ImperativeGroundwork, section II (first half) (pp. 2011. Topic– Essence, determinants and consequences of Ethics in human actions; dimensions of ethics 7) The key assumption in normative ethics is that there is only one ultimate criterion of moral conduct, whether it is a single rule or a set of principles. Course Outline: Week 1: - What is Morality by James Rachels Week 2-4: Normative ethics is distinct from meta-ethics because it examines standards for the rightness and wrongness of actions, while meta-ethics studies the meaning of moral language and the metaphysics of moral facts. There will be one short expository paper (2–3 pages) and two longer critical papers (6–8 pages). Your grade for that assignment will be the average of your grades on the original and the rewrite. Office: LL 921B LO 2 Knowledge of prominent normative ethics frameworks – consequentialist, deontological, virtue, and contractualism. These essays cannot be made up, and unsatisfactory work will receive no credit. 284–98)Utilitarianism, chapter V (pp. ‘Normative ethics’ is an enormous field. Normative Ethics II: In the study of Normative Ethics II we address the theories of right conduct towards others in the context of consequence and duty. 276–84)Utilitarianism, chapter IV (pp. Papers that are submitted late and without an extension may not be rewritten under any circumstances. Amherst College 220 South Pleasant Street Amherst, MA 01002. Metaethics: metaphysical foundations of ethics; moral epistemology. TOPICS. … (You are never required to rewrite an assignment.) This will be a seminar on classic and contemporary work on central topics in ethics. Applying normative theories of democracy, justice, efficiency, and equity, students will examine a variety of domestic and international cases in which these ideals conflict and become objects of politics. Its most general concerns are providing an account of moral evaluation and, possibly, articulating a decision procedure to guide moral action. The Syllabus of UPSC General Studies Paper-4 Ethics is available here click me. 4 0 obj M. Hare, “What’s Wrong with Slavery?”, February 18 - Sophisticated ConsequentialismPeter Railton, “Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality”, February 20 - Sophisticated CritiqueNeera Badhwar Kapur, “Consequentialism and Friendship”, February 25 - Rule ConsequentialismRichard Brandt, “Toward a Credible Form of Utilitarianism”, February 27 - Kant: The Good Will and Moral WorthGroundwork, section I (first half) (pp. x�Rf6���ž� Ѐ�X�%Y��a�D Part II Paper 03: Ethics. This syllabus section provides the course description and information on meeting times, prerequisites, texts, requirements, late work, plagiarism, grading, and the schedule of lecture topics and assignment due dates. Nicomachean Ethics, book VIII Nicomachean Ethics, book IX. Rewrites. All of the above books are available at Amherst Books (8 Main Street). GS4: Mains Syllabus for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude This paper will include questions to test the candidates’ attitude and approach to issues relating to integrity, probity in public life and his problem solving approach to various issues and conflicts faced by him in dealing with society. It is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates the set of questions that arise when considering how one ought to act, morally speaking. You can also reach the website directly by entering the following url:, Tentative Schedule of Topics and Readings, January 30 - Mill: BasicsUtilitarianism, chapter I (pp. Normative ethics is the systematic study of what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust, and why. Gerald Graff and Cathy Birkenstein, They Say/I SayGordon Harvey, Writing with SourcesMichael Harvey, The Nuts and Bolts of College Writing. I will not be using the Blackboard site for this course. The project of normative ethics is usually regarded as the attempt to discover the moral theory which makes the best sense of our considered moral intuitions. Log in by clicking the “Log in to My Amherst” link at the top right, and then select one of the “Philosophy 34” links under “My Academics” on the left. 163-265). �Hf�ST��g'�Ҁ�-���T�}�s����8K�.����ø`t�4IZ�UܤMR���4I�&Ϻ��)�Z%�GSlP�S|���]|�Ň�w�� ���Pdݷw��?j��kKC8IWT�t��,F�YΫ��e��9����DL���8 ����߰B�)&�����E����qP�FE����\�{�����;��_��{��~��.T��z�˩�ڔE &u�T>:��(�X^�0ʶ��.�)8�Ƈ9{�`��?�T���������z ���#����R��!O��۬ Applied ethics is often distinguished from normative ethics. Normative ethics: consequentialism; deontology; virtue ethics. 272–6)Utilitarianism, chapter II (first two paragraphs) (pp. This is the course website. Normative ethics is the systematic study of what is morally right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust, and why. Metaethics: fact and value; objectivity and subjectivity. �rQ����]����A���zR�|%@�W� �~tswS��)��#*x��2e���H�?HbdJ����by� G�f�~A���rJ3��g�q�X��ƥ�20�8��*T.��co���-��5X��K�(���d1q�w�TI��� K#��N`� yy�u�2�'E�t�0��"��|�p�/�H��~��m㳡"��W���m� �Sg.T��WE�.�����ۤC��N;�Dݜu5��~QH���QDq��D��0~��F�e�$徐�P\��zQ�>���$��;ߛ'���X���EȲ��t [C������, �Vg9"�ItQX��&X�5zy��G�g�ka$�by���*w}!-7�~�bď����B����˒������2�@1S��D2h��bM��[ࠒ�T{�I_��ӿb,����Ut����M�+WWst}���nL��} ���[wg^��r��z��U�s� Active participation is an essential part of any philosophy class. The extent to which a virtue ethics can exhibit appropriate objectivity. Contact Us (413) 542-2000 Contact Us Map & Directions. The first concerns the nature of normative authority: Why should I care about morality (or moral properties, if they exist)? �p��sd3��n%���Z�7� f� ��D?��gN3>|��W�wўn骔R�Z��̣��)v^@�aH;E�*�s�!Y*2Y%`dIZ�瘠B�����1M��3 Part IA Paper 02: Ethics and Political Philosophy. review for test on meta-ethics; September 28 (T): test on meta-ethics Part 2: Normative Ethics September 30 (H): before class. Accordingly, we can divide the Ethics topic into 8 parts; First part would be Ethics and Human interface- further subdivided into three articles; E1/P1: Types of Judgments, Pre-requisite for Ethical scrutiny, Meta Ethics, Applied ethics, Normative-Descriptive ethics. PHIL236-19S1: Ethics Syllabus and Course Outline - 2019 Contents: I Course details II Topics and readings III Reading List IV Assessment V Further Support I. Meta-ethics is a discussion of the nature of ethics. The first third of the course will focus on metaethics: we will examine the meaning of moral claims and ask whether there is any sense in which moral principles are objectively valid. Late Papers. Normative ethics is distinct from meta-ethics in that the former examines standards for the rightness and wrongness of actions, whereas the latter studies the meaning of moral language and the metaphysics of moral facts. Normative ethics is the study of ethical action. Normative ethics deals with the foundations of moral theory. There will be several such assignments over the course of the semester. Normative ethics is the study of ethical behaviour, and is the branch of philosophical ethics that investigates the questions that arise regarding how one ought to act, in a moral sense. April 23 - Updates and Reactions Philippa Foot, “Virtues and Vices” Robert Loudon, “On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics” Unit 5 - Well-Being. For those of you unfamiliar with the college’s new CMS website, here are directions to reach the course website for the first time. The course might have special focus on either metaethics or normative ethics at different semesters. %��������� Is anything to be said in a principled way about right and wrong, or good and bad? You will have the opportunity to rewrite all of your papers. We then take up issues about the nature of morality as a whole such as whether there is a single true morality. 314–38), February 11 - CritiqueBernard Williams, “A Critique of Utilitarianism”John Rawls, “Classical Utilitarianism”, February 13 - DemandingnessShelly Kagan, “Constraints”R. Books for purchase for this course might include the Crisp and Slote anthology, the Walker and Ivanhoe anthology, and Hursthouse’s On Virtue Ethics. Discuss. Kant's ethics and Kantian ethics: the categorical imperative, duty and motive, morality and freedom, autonomy. review of chapter 6 Political obligation and authority �[4]�UY9�p'�YBj>'�HA/��h��I�T�� �.�Lkp�s��Cpmu�&u鰿�����|�����0~f��q�*hK �����DW����#��B��"�#?�����hARd-4�Y~5 On this point, it is essential to distinguish between the stakeholder theory as a normative theory of business ethics on the one hand and as either a theory of corporate social responsibility or a theory of management on the other. Normative ethics A short guide to the theories and their application Second edition John Hendry 2013 The treatments of normative ethics found in textbooks on business or professional ethics are often far too cursory, given the weight attributed to them in the course as a whole. INTRODUCTION TO MORAL PHILOSOPHY: Syllabus We start with a few moral issues, including abortion and our obligations to others. If there are special circumstances (sporting events, family emergencies, dire illness), please contact me before the paper is due to arrange an extension. Moral philosophy (ethics) can be divided, from the more theoretical to the more practical, into metaethics, normative ethics, and applied ethics. 34–51), March 12 - ChallengesSusan Wolf, “Moral Saints”Thomas Nagel, “Moral Luck”, March 24 - A DefenseChristine Korsgaard, “The Right to Lie”, March 26 - Modest Critique: ParticularismJonathan Dancy, “Moral Particularism”, March 31 - Modest Critique: CharacterMichael Stocker, “The Schizophrenia of Modern Moral Theories”Bernard Williams, “Persons, Character, Morality”, April 2 - Radical Critique: Slave MoralityFriedrich Nietzsche, Genealogy, Preface and First Essay, April 7 - Radical Critique: Guilt and PunishmentFriedrich, Nietzsche, Genealogy, Second Essay, April 9 - Aristotle: TeleologyNicomachean Ethics, book I, April 14 - Aristotle: Virtues and the MeanNicomachean Ethics, book IINicomachean Ethics, book III, April 16 - Aristotle: Practical WisdomNicomachean Ethics, book VI, April 21 - Aristotle: Virtue and FriendshipNicomachean Ethics, book VIIINicomachean Ethics, book IX, April 23 - Updates and ReactionsPhilippa Foot, “Virtues and Vices”Robert Loudon, “On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics”, April 28 - TransitionNicomachean Ethics, book INicomachean Ethics, book VII, chapter 11–14Nicomachean Ethics, book X, chapters 1–6Richard Kraut “Two Conceptions of Happiness”, April 30 - HedonismRobert Nozick, “Happiness”, May 5 - Informed PreferencesRichard Brandt, “The Criticism of Pleasures and Intrinsic Desires”Don Loeb, “Full-Information Theories of Individual Good”, May 7 - Value PluralismCharles Taylor, “The Diversity of Goods”, Amherst College220 South Pleasant StreetAmherst, MA 01002.
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