what does mrs reed tell mr brocklehurst about jane

What does Mrs. Reed tell Mr. Brocklehurst about Jane’s character? Janes uncle. 7. 9. Here she finds Mr. Reed declares that her niece is a liar, and Brocklehurst promises to alert the other members of the school to Jane's deceitful nature. dc Jane is frightened while in the red room. What does Mr. Brocklehurst tell Jane about his son?Click here to enter text. She can tell Mrs. Reed is just making things harder for her at her new school. Against her husband's request, Mrs. Reed does not treat Jane like a human being and is constantly criticizing and punishing her. This preview shows page 2 out of 2 pages.. 7. Mrs. Reed was happy that Jane could be sent to school, for she would not see Jane while Mr. Brocklehurst was keeping Jane in the school. After Mr. Brocklehurst leaves, Jane defends her honesty to her aunt and launches a series of recriminations. His treatment of Jane is unfair for many reasons. The fact that Mrs. Reed cannot even let Jane start fresh at Lowood school shows how vindictive and hateful she is towards Jane. What does this tell us about Jane? Shortly thereafter, Bessie tells Jane that she prefers her to the Reed children. Mrs. Jane got into a fight with John Reed and Mrs. Reed so she was punished by having to stay in the room that Mr. Reed had died in “stony stranger” “harsh” “transformed under Mr Brocklehurst… Mr Brocklehurst is the "treasurer and manager of the establishment" and "a clergyman, and is said to do a great deal of good" (p49)*. How did Jane’s character change in her confrontation with both Mr. Brocklehurst and Mrs. Reed? That she is a good, honest girl That she has a tendency to lie That she does not play well with others That she is the bane of her existence Previous section Plot Overview Quick Quiz Next section Chapters 5-10 Quick Quiz. He tells Mr Brocklehurst that she should be glad if the super intendent and teachers were requested to keep a strict eye on her,and,above all,to guard against her worst fault,tendency deceit 8. She is a pretty young woman. I will speak to Miss Temple and the teachers." Temple who had cleared Jane’s blackened name. MRS. REED Shocking! With her in the breakfast room is Mr Brocklehurst, a cold and self-righteous clergyman who runs a charity school called Lowood. Mrs. Reed abuses Jane and allows her children, especially her son, John to abuse her behind her back. She does not like Jane's company. She is the most pleasant person Jane associates with. Mrs. Reed cautions Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a "tendency for deceit", which he interprets as Jane being a liar. Jane immediately leaves for Gateshead Hall, where her aunt apologises to her for being as horrid as she was. Mrs. Reed then enlists the aid of the harsh Mr. Brocklehurst, who is the director of Lowood Institution, a charity school for girls, to enroll Jane. 4. 7. 10.What does Mrs. Reed wish had happened to Jane and why? To whom does Mrs. Reed write a letter about Jane? Jane is really upset that Mrs. Reed accuses her of being a liar in front of Mr. Brocklehurst, who is obviously someone important at Lowood. ic Jane meets Mr Brocklehurst. Why and how does this feeling change? If one of your books is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, then you could try our informative and useful quiz on the subject. Mrs. Reed then enlists the aid of the harsh Mr. Brocklehurst, who is the director of Lowood Institution, a charity school for girls, to enroll Jane. Jane is describing the abusive relationship she has with Mrs. Reed. Mr Brocklehurst believes Mrs. Reed, while disregarding whatever defense Jane tried to rebuttal and publicly shames Jane by making her stand all alone in front of the class, while telling everyone that she was a lier. Mrs. As a final poke at Jane, Mrs. Reed declares that her niece is a liar, and Brocklehurst promises to alert the other members of the school to Jane's deceitful nature. After Mr. Brocklehurst departs, Jane aggressively scolds her aunt for falsely portraying her character to Mr. Brocklehurst. To whom does Mrs. Reed write a letter about Jane? “Deceit is, indeed, a sad fault in a child,’ said Mr. Brocklehurst; ‘it is akin to falsehood, and all liars will have their portion in the lake burning with fire and brimstone.”. No. How does Jane respond to Mrs. Reed’s accusation? A brief introduction to Mr Brocklehurst: before eighteen-year-old Jane Eyre came to Thronefield Hall and met the love of her life, she lived in Lowood Orphan Asylum. It is the Victorian style. Before leaving for Lowood Jane meets with Mr. Brocklehurst… Answer: Mrs. Reed writes a letter to Mr. Brocklehurst about Jane. She has come to accept the poor conditions laid down by Mr. Brocklehurst, however has not yet learnt to ignore them and Bronte describes Jane suffering a … True or False: Jane is treated unfairly, probably because she was born during Mrs. Reed’s first marriage, and she is a reminder to Mrs. Reed of her terrible mistake. Jane's aunt, Mrs. Reed, does not like Jane and has a very hard time doing this. When ten-year-old Jane met… Mr. Brocklehurst is far worse and attempts to justify himself through the farce of education. Mrs. Reed has suffered a stroke after her son, John, dies. Jane gloats in thought to herself “I was left there alone – winner of the field… Mrs. Reed, for once, seems to concede defeat. You will be tested on dialogue in the GCSE English Literature exam. What is unfair about Mr. Brocklehurst's treatment of Jane? However, unlike Mrs. Reed, Jane admired this woman with "the sense of admiring awe", as it was Miss. Mrs. Reed is scared by Jane’s outburst of her anger. The most noticeable example is when Ms. Reed told Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane is a liar and cannot be trusted, so he tells the entire school that information too without figuring out if it was even true. What does Mrs. Reed tell Bessie to do with Jane? Mrs. Reed cautions Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a "tendency for deceit", which he interprets as Jane being a liar. Georgiana Reed is Jane’s cousin and one of Mrs. Reed’s two daughters. (Click the character infographic to download.) Why do conditions at Lowood improve? Fortunately for Jane, Mr. Brocklehurst, the financial manager of Lowood, is absent during most of this time. Mr. Brocklehurst In Jane Eyre. 1 Answer +1 vote . When Jane is ten years old, Mrs. Reed sends her to Lowood and then tells John Eyre that Jane has died of typhus fever at the school. John. Who died in the red room. Cullman High Sch ENGLISH MISC 8.04 Bronte Novel 1)How is Eliza described in the first p When Jane was fifteen, a wealthy uncle wrote to Mrs. Reed and said that he wished to adopt her. Is the ghost of Mr. Reed really present in the red-room? Jane doesn't realize the seriousness of this disease until she learns from the nurse that Helen will soon die. What accusations does Jane level at Mrs. Reed? 13.What 2 wrongs does Mrs. Reed confess to committing against Jane? The Presentation of Mr. Brocklehurst in Bronte's Jane Eyre Chapter seven sees Jane slightly more experienced to the ways of Lowood School. hc Jane fights while she is taken away by Abbot and Bessie. After Mrs. Reed had spoken to Mr. Brocklehurst about what a bad child Jane was, and how she resembled the devil in her actions, he had taken this information and publicly humiliated Jane with it. Mrs. Reed cautions Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a tendency for deceit, which he interprets as her being a "liar". What was Jane’s response about how to avoid going to Hell? When Mr. Brocklehurst leaves, Jane is so hurt by her aunt’s accusation that she cannot stop herself from defending herself to her aunt. The differences between Miss Temple and Mr. Brocklehurst aiding to Jane’s life are abundant and obvious. His treatment of Jane is unfair for many reasons. ... What does Mr. Brocklehurst accuse Jane of, in front of the entire school? Jane argues that Mrs. Reed’s treatment of her has fallen short of what she had promised to give Jane when Mr. Reed died Why does Mrs. Reed make Jane stay in the red room? Jane was severely humiliated at Lowood by standing on a stool and being called a liar by Mr. Brocklehurst. Eventually Mrs. Reed decides to put Jane into a boarding school, Lowood. After Mr. Brocklehurst leaves, Jane defends her honesty to her aunt and launches a series of recriminations. Question 9. When ten-year-old Jane met… “Deceit is, indeed, a sad fault in a child,’ said Mr. Brocklehurst; ‘it is akin to falsehood, and all liars will have their portion in the lake burning with fire and brimstone.”. The clergyman, headmaster and treasurer of Lowood School, he commonly mistreats the children in his care. What book of the Bible does Jane not like? Mrs. Reed makes Mr. Brocklehurst fire Jane because she still hates her Bessie comes and tells that she has a better employment for Jane She is contacted by Mrs. Fairfax and offered a … A servant at Gateshead. 6. Who arrives to tell the guests' fortunes? He heard all of those things from Mrs. Reed who didn't really like Jane in the first place, he has never actually seen Jane act like that, and he … She is the most pleasant person Jane associates with. Jane’s place in the house as a ‘dependent,’ enables John see no faults in his constant beatings, that Jane has become accustomed to. Another painfully ironic moment—as will become clear, Brocklehurst is hardly pious or consistent, while it is Mrs. Reed who is the liar. What does Mrs. Reed tell Mr. Brocklehurst about Jane? Mrs. Reed. Mrs. Reed tells Mr. Brocklehurst that she hopes that Jane’s time at Lowood will reform her, particularly her tendency to lie, an accusation that stings Jane. Mr Brocklehurst is the "treasurer and manager of the establishment" and "a clergyman, and is said to do a great deal of good" (p49)*. What does Mrs. Reed tell Mr. Brocklehurst about Jane’s character? bc John Reed throws a book at Jane. Jane Eyre Summary and Analysis of Volume I, Chapters 1-5. MR. BROCKLEHURST That proves you have a wicked heart and you must pray to God to change it and to give you a new and clean one. 8. You will be tested on dialogue in the GCSE English Literature exam. Bessie: She is a servant. Jane got into a fight with John Reed and Mrs. Reed so she was punished by having to stay in the room that Mr. Reed had died in The man was called Mr. Brocklehurst and he was invited by Mrs. Reed to take Jane to her new school. How does Mrs. Reed treat Jane? When Jane Eyre becomes a governess at Thornfield Hall, she discovers her strength and identity as she experiences love and a new kind of relationship. ‘I am not deceitful: ‘I do not love you’. Reed, Jane’s aunt, and mistress of Gateshead HallEdward Rochester, the once-handsome owner of Thornfield ManorSt. Mr Brocklehurst and Mrs Reed are both cruel to Jane The emotions of love and hate are primarily shown through the characters Jane meets and has a relationship with. Jane resents Mrs. Reed's statements about her character, and when the two are alone together, Jane retaliates against her aunt. Metaphor #3: Jane describes Mr. Brocklehurst as a “black pillar”, which is a stack of stone blocks. answered 5 days ago by Zabya (57.5k points) selected 5 days ago by Pahi . 10. Mr. Brocklehurst: He is a tall gentleman. What does Mrs. Reed tell Mr. Brocklehurst about Jane, and how is this significant? It is aimed at year 10 and year 11 students and will give you valuable revision of speech in the novel. He heard all of those things from Mrs. Reed who didn't really like Jane in the first place, he has never actually seen Jane act like that, and he … 12.What happens between Jane & her cousins that never happened when they were children? 4. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst take the needy in their care, but does not take care of them. Why does Mrs. Reed wish Jane had died at Lowood during the typhus epidemic? Mrs. Reed, for once, seems to concede defeat. Finally, he appears at the school. She often scolds Jane. After this, Mrs Reed and Jane meet one last time. He questions Jane sympathetically and suggests that Jane go to school. cc Mrs Reed tells Mr Brocklehurst that Jane is a bad child. Simile #2: Jane had nothing, but she had her doll which she cherishes, she describes it as “shabby as a miniature scarecrow,” meaning that her doll is old and worn out. When Mr. Brocklehurst first comes to see Jane Eyre at Gateshead, Mrs. Reed reminds him that "'should you admit her into Lowood school, I should be glad if the superintendent and teachers were requested to keep a strict eye on her, and above all, to guard against her worst fault, a … How does the woman react? Mrs. Reed cautions Mr. Brocklehurst that Jane has a "tendency for deceit", which he interprets as Jane being a liar. When Mr. Brocklehurst interviews Jane as a potential pupil, he's shocked to learn that Jane doesn't like the Psalms. To whom does Mrs. Reed write a letter about Jane? answered Dec 10, 2020 by Zabya (57.5k points) selected Dec … Bessie Lee. Mrs. Reed then enlists the aid of the harsh Mr. Brocklehurst, who is the director of Lowood Institution, a charity school for girls, to enroll Jane. Bronte presents Jane’s anger by having Jane shout at Mrs. Reed. Liars in Jane Eyre. Mr. Reed, Jane’s uncle, took her into his home after both of her parents died of typhus fever, but he soon died himself. Enraged, Mr. Brocklehurst forces Jane to stand on a stool in front of the whole school and proceeds to tell them that she is a wicked liar whom the other girls should shun. She tells Mrs Reed that she will tell everyone how the Reed’s “treated (Jane) with miserable cruelty.” When Miss Temple has found out from Mr. Lloyd that Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst’s charge of deceitfulness against Jane is false, she declares this to the whole school. False. JANE No sir. Mrs. Reed and Mr. Brocklehurst take the needy in their care, but does not take care of them. (Ch. What does Mrs. Reed tell Jane, when Jane returns to visit the woman on her deathbed? Jane’s place in the house as a ‘dependent,’ enables John see no faults in his constant beatings, that Jane has become accustomed to. Thinking Jane is ill, a doctor, Mr Lloyd, is summoned. A servant at Gateshead. What is unfair about Mr. Brocklehurst's treatment of Jane? 5. Mrs. Reed tells Mr. Brocklehurst that she hopes that Jane’s time at Lowood will reform her, particularly her tendency to lie, an accusation that stings Jane. fc Jane reads a book full of pictures. Brocklehurst is the one with no feelings which is ironic as he accuses Jane of having a “wicked heart” and tells her that she should pray to God to take away her “heart of stone and give her a heart of flesh”. “Madam, Mrs. Harden says she has sent up the usual quantity.” Mrs. Harden, be it observed, was the housekeeper: a woman after Mr. Brocklehurst’s own heart, made up of equal parts of whalebone and iron. How does Jane respond to Mrs. Reed’s accusation? Once again, Mrs. Reed does harm to her niece, whom she should protect. Before Jane leaves for school, Bessie tells her stories and sings her lovely songs. Why? Is Jane treated equally as her cousins? Jane’s aunt-by-marriage is a selfish, hard-hearted woman who spoils her three horrible children, John, Eliza, and Georgiana, and hates her niece. John Rivers, a young clergyman Story OverveiwOrphaned at birth, Jane Eyre was left to live at Gateshead Hall Manor with her aunt-in-law, Mrs. Reed. jane eyre; class-7; Share It On Facebook Twitter Email. After Jane tells Mrs. Reed she does not love her and wishes to leave the house Mrs. Reed solemnly departs the room. Mrs. Reed, out of spite because of Jane's calling her out on her cruelty earlier, wrote back that Jane had died in the epidemic at Lowood School. What is her punishment? Volume I, Chapter 1 Summary: The novel begins with the ten-year-old Jane Eyre narrating from the home of the well-off Reed family in Gateshead Hall. Jane is worried at his arrival, because she remembers Mrs. Reed's comments to him about Jane's deceitfulness and Mr. Brocklehurst's promise to warn the teachers at the school of Jane's unsavory character. I will speak to Miss Temple and the teachers." True or False: Bronte reveals Jane’s situation in the Reed household in a preface before the first chapter. They often tell her she is lower than a servant even though they are blood relatives. On looking back, how does Jane understand Mrs. Reed's treatment of her? "Deceit is, indeed, a sad fault in a child," said Mr. Brocklehurst; "it is akin to falsehood, and all liars will have their portion in the lake burning with fire and brimstone; she shall, however, be watched, Mrs. Reed.

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