social structure of athens and sparta

Xenophon, writing 4th Century BC, recognised Lycurgus as the Spartan lawgiver. Show evidence of a close reading. Social Structure Politics and political hierarchies are a significant and inseparable part of a country. The Athenian form of electing a government was called Limited Democracy while the Spartan form was called oligarchy " (rule by a few), but it had elements of monarchy (rule by kings), democracy (through the election of council/senators), and aristocracy (rule by the upper class or land owning class). They also had very different perspectives on men, women, and slaves. Primary Source Analysis SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF ATHENS SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF SPARTA Again, some people are surprised at the fact that in all fields they give more power to the masses, the poor and the common people, than they do the respectable elements of society, but it will become clear that they preserve the democracy by doing precisely this. Population & Map: Approximately 140,000; Approximately 40,000 men were citizens; and slaves (about 40,000). Test. At the top of society were Spartiate. These city-states were very different. You can access each of the different topics above or … Athens evolved its culture, with the first democracy, and while Sparta and Athens managed successfully to ally against the Persians, in the end, they turned on each other in the Peloponnesian Wars, to which the Spartans brought a new level of savagery to what had historically been ritualistic warfare. The people of Athens and Sparta had different set of values and were unique in their own way. Yet these two city states were huge rivals and had very little in common. Even though the Spartiates were the upper class, Compared to Athens, the gap between upper, middle and lower classes was much less defined, the Spartans, while owners of slaves and aware of classes put much less emphasis on living up the high life. How were Sparta and Athens alike? Print; Share; Edit; Delete; Report an issue; Start a multiplayer game. Athens, which had a strong navy, sent ships and soldiers to help them. 3. lAcoNiA & ATTicA. Athenian government and Spartan government 3. They had their similarities and differences in education, government, and economy. ATHENS vS. SPARTA GREEk ciTy-STATES. Both Athens and Sparta hold historic value for Greece and the world. Sparta was an oligarchy, which means the ruling power was divided into a small group. Sparta’s social structure and policy enabled it to develop the most fearsome land-based force of its day. The social requirements of each polis were different too, Athens relied on its citizens to speak up and give their political opinions so they could better their polis. There was a well-defined upper, middle, and lower class as well as a separate slave class. This Image show a Athenian making a speech on … Athens Vs Sparta Oligarchy. Edit. Play. 2. locATioN. In this lesson , you learned about the city-states of Athens and Sparta. At the height of Sparta's power – between the 6 th and 4 th centuries BC – … Many slaves were taken prisinor when their city-state was attacked by Athenians. Solo Practice. Instead, its “urban core” consisted of a clump of four villages. The abovementioned … Sparta and Athens were both polytheistic; Sparta’s patron saint was Ares and Athens’ was Athena. What defines each class is a little different however. Sparta in many ways had had a similar but unique class structure to much of ancient Greece, but the range of their classes was much smaller. Athens women and slaves have very little rights 4. In fact, the Spartan culture differed so much from the rest of Greece that the Spartans fought in conflicts with the people of Athens, Thebes, and Corinth. The structure of ancient Sparta. One interesting aspect of ancient Sparta is the social structure and hierarchy. The Spartan social structure had three classes, with the full citizens, the Spartiates Proper sitting atop the food chain. Even though the Spartiates were the upper class, Compared to Athens, the gap between upper,... The Athens vs. Sparta simulation is an educational experience designed to present learners in grades 6 through 12 with a variety of challenges. ancient Greek civilization - ancient Greek civilization - The Corinthian War: The restored Athenian democracy may have been less democratic in certain respects than that of the 5th century, but it was no less suspicious of, and hostile to, Sparta. In 478 the walls erected around Athens enclosed an area of 3.5 square kilometers, including the Piraeus, or harbor district. In Athens and Attica, there were at least 150,000 Athenians, around 50,000 aliens, and more than … Life in Sparta was vastly different from life in Athens. Created by. Modern political and social theory have long stood in a fruitful, mutually reinforcing relationship with historical study of the Greek polis and its political thought.¹ This relationship has been rooted in theoretical and historical study of the city of Athens, as a paradigmatic and problematic democracy, especially during its classical … Smartiewirdo. Athens … People who were previously citizens, but lost citizenship due to failure to contribute to the community. Note from document owner: Please use File > Make a Copy if you’d like the edit this document. Sparta and Athens letter. Gravity. This elaborate social and political structure developed gradually, during a period that was relatively peaceful for the Spartans, but their way of life was challenged by the Persians. by katie.scarfpin. Regionalism and regional conflicts were a prominent feature of ancient Greece. Athens operated a democratic system of government, while it neighbor the Sparta operated a military system of government. In both Sparta and Athens, women were taught to obey their fathers or husbands. The geography of the country contributed in the fragmentation of the ancient Greece … At the top were the Spartiate, then came the Perioeci and at the bottom were the Helots click for more about spartan … Social and Economical Structure of Athens. ATHENS. Here you can visit Athens or Sparta, and learn many of the different things between each of them. 800-323 BCD, Athens and Sparta were the two powerful cites in Greece. Sparta had an assembly, but important decisions were made by a small group called the Council of Elders. 4. Hierarchy Structure. Home Social Hierarchy Sparta Social Hierarchy. Sparta was an ancient independent city and was a great rival of one most popular Greek city Athens. Located in the Peloponnesus peninsula, Sparta was a city that lied on the south west side of Athens. How were they different? Terms in this set (14) Sparta. There were three classifications: Spartiates: Born into a spartan family, or adopted. These people could hold office and vote in the assembly. Two classical Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta, were as similar as they were different regarding political and social structures. Athens is considered to be an originator of literature, intellect, arts, architecture, and modern culture. As Athens also starts with citizens first, then metics second, and slaves last. Sparta Athens ATHENIAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE. Athens and Sparta. You were either a free man, a foreigner, or a slave. classical period, Sparta itself was never a large city like Athens. System of Social Structure and Gender Structure in Greece, Ahtnes, and Sparta. If you were part of the Spartiates, you were born into or adopted by a Spartan family. While Sparta gave all power to the political leaders, meaning the social duties of their citizens was to go about their day and follow the commands of their kings. The social structure of Ancient Athens is a lot different that how it is today. SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF SPARTA The Spartan society was divided into three main classes. Athenian hierarchy . Then came the council of Elders which was made up of 28 men over 60 and they proposed laws to the … Athens focused more on culture, while Sparta focused more on war. Flashcards. Hi! Although Athens and Sparta were both Greek and shared some common elements of Greek culture, they were also very different. The people of the lowest stratum of the society were Heltas who were exploited by … Sparta and Athens Sparta The distinctiveness of Sparta. This exercise will allow students to research, organize and articulate specific arguments and evidence in a formal debate based on the question: Which was more superior, Athens or Sparta… Sparta Cons Athens Pros Economy Women & Social Structure Gain property rights through gifts, dowry and inheritance. Prominent among the states that never experienced tyranny was Sparta, a fact remarked on even in antiquity. People from this clas handled all the government work, philosophy, literature and war. Sparta and Athens are alike in few ways one was is in there class of social groups. Although their cities were not too far from each other, yet there was a major different on how they govern there cities. These city-states applies different approaches to the political organization, social structure and adoption of different cultural priorities. So all in all you will see Athens is a lot different than Sparta which I will tell you about now. Boys and … ( citizens were men) Sparta … The two towering cities of the heyday were the most influential cultural, military and trade … Women had no place but home, and they were in the group that their husband or father was in. SPARTA. This deliberate distancing between Sparta and Greece could be seen as justification for the war, as the now overcrowded city needed to unite. Sparta government was a lot different than Athen’s they had the five ephors who were overseers and were the real rulers of Sparta. The oligarchy structure in Sparta enabled it to keep war as a top priority. Step 1: Choose Your Point of View First, … The Spartan social structure had three classes, with the full citizens, the Spartiates Proper sitting atop the food chain. Save. In 490 B.C., the Persians arrived near Athens on the plain of Marathon. Daily Life & Social Structure. Terms … Athens vs. Sparta How would people describe your country’s… • Government • Education • Social Structure • Allies • Military Strength • Lifestyle • Cultural Achievement Comparison Activity • In groups you will complete a chart comparing different features of Athens and Sparta • In groups of 2 you will create a chart … 2.4 Political and social structure of society: Athens 15 2.4.1 Non-citizens 16 2.4.2 Citizens of Athens 16 2.5 Political and social structure of society: Sparta 18 2.5.1 Non-citizens of Sparta 18 2.5.2.Citizens of Sparta 19 2.6 Lists of characteristics of citizens 21 2.7 Summary 22 Chapter 3: The oikos: home and family … 25 3.1 The … Farming and this class constituted of those who were thehighest level people the!, Leonidas and his bodyguards stayed behind to fight the Persians structures in cultures... Their place in the social class system of ancient Sparta … Perioeci. Cities tended to be located in valleys between Athens and Sparta: 508 - 478 BC: ... Sparta, from 404 BC, has the opportunity and the strength to impose some sort of unity on Greece, but her hidebound social structure is ill-equipped to provide the necessary leadership. Evidence here. Click on the buttons to dive right in! Social Structure of Athens: Freemen were all male citizens: divided into numerous classes: at the top were aristocrats who had large estates and made up the cavalry or captained triremes; middle ranks were small farmers; lowest class was the thetes (urban craftsmen and trireme rowers). Share practice link. Their hegemony on land resulted from the years of tough and rugged training of the Spartan citizens, the “homoioi”. I am not including any videos for this assignment, but you are more than welcome to view YouTube videos on Athens and Sparta! Instead Athens recovers sufficient prestige to put together, in 377, a revised version of the Delian League. But on the other hand, Sparta was all about raising children to be physically fit and able to fight in wars. The Athenian economy is mostly based on trade because the land in Athens can not provide Match. In ancient Greece, the social system started off fairly simple. Social Structure in Athens and Sparta. The top class in Ancient Greek Society is the Upper class. Introduction In Athens, you would see the aristocrats doing their government duties, farmers working on their land, and women indoors doing their household duties. Athens vs. Sparta. Athens and Sparta were two very different city-states. Spartan boys were put through a very hard test and if you did not pass the test you couldn't graduate and became a middle class The pyramid first started out with women. Played 0 times. A city-state in ancient Greece. Athens 1.T hey have two city states 2 elected by the other Spartans social structure Athens 1.T have! This appeared more in Athens than it did in Sparta. Social tension internally - urban/coastal/rural in F/S. Also, what advantages did Athens have over Sparta? Write. The Spartan army stood at the center of the Spartan state, citizens trained in the disciplines and honor of a warrior society. Spell. Culture and Technology in Athens and Sparta The culture of a society, as determined by its political, social and religious structure, is a major factor in the development of its technology. It is an internal one between the rural, urban, and coastal … Sparta has citizens first, then neighbors second, and helots at the bottom. (1 minute) - Sparta will then argue against Athens by explaining why they think their topic is better in Sparta than in Athens. These 28 members elected by the people were responsible for conducting court for criminal justice and advising the kings in various issues related with the state. These citizens were full-time soldiers and supported by … Sparta was split into spartiates, perioeci, and helots.Slaves were the lowest class in each social structure. The biggest rivalry groups in the 5th century BC in Greece were the Athens and Sparta.Although they resided in the same country they both had different ways how they managed their political, economic and social structure .The main goal of the Spartans was to have an elite state of soldiers. The Spartan army stood at the center of the Spartan state, citizens trained in the disciplines and honor of a warrior society. One ancient community, Sparta, is worth learning about! Daily Life & Social Structure. Play this game to review Other. PLAY. True: Athens was only 4 miles from the sea, Athens had a wall built around its city, The citizen ASSEMBLY in Athens had the most political power, Athens encouraged trade with others, Sparta did not have a wall around its city, The Council of Elders in SPARTA had the most political power, Sparta was an oligarchy, Spartans were suspicious of outsiders, Athen had a powerful navy, False: Athens … In Sparta the social class consisted of Spartiates, Perioeci, and Helots. The kings and the council of elders were at the very top of the list. Introduction During the 5th century BC, Greece was dominated by two main powers: democratic Athens and the military oligarchy of Sparta. After students learn about the differences and similarities between two major city-states of Ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta, students can create a T-Chart with images and text that can compare and contrast the city-states based on different categories such as: government, economy, education, and social structure. Unlike most other warrior states, the Spartans … The Spartans were the citizens of the city-state of Sparta belonging to Greece. The topmost class of the Spartans comprised of two kings who combined ruled the city. Mark up the text with questions and/or comments. The Athenian form of electing a government was called Limited Democracy while the Spartan form was called oligarchy" (rule by a few), but it had elements of monarchy (rule by kings), democracy (through the election of council/senators), and aristocracy (rule by the upper class or land owning class). SPARTA VS ATHENS: A CLASS DEBATE TASK Of more than 300 Greek city-states, Athens and Sparta were the most powerful. Thank you! The territory of Greece is mountainous; as a result, ancient Greece consisted of many smaller regions, each with its own dialect, cultural peculiarities, and identity. Hypomeiones - … Ancient Athens: Social Structure & Political Organization.

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