Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 13

Love Jays on TradioV

Good Morning Love Birds!

In this week’s episode, we were joined by Kristen Carter, screenwriter and television producer. We discussed Memorial Day weekend, celibacy, Mr. J’s struggle with unemployment, Zach Sobiech, and the difference between east coast/west coast men.

Special congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jared and Jordana Kaiser (Mr. J’s college teammate) on their wedding this weekend!



It Won’t Be Long Now…

Hey Love Fans!

Hopefully you have all seen Zach Sobiech’s touching, My Last Days, YouTube documentary by now. If not, do not fret. We have posted it below. Just to give you a little background, Zach was diagnosed with osteosarcoma (a rare bone cancer) at age 14. At the age of 17, doctors told him he had up to one year to live. Zach wanted to leave something behind for his family and friends, so he wrote and recorded his song, Clouds. Zach’s story is beyond inspirational and a testament to how we all should be living our lives, healthy or otherwise.

New York Times bestseller Amy Krouse Rosenthal made a touching dedication video using Zach’s song Clouds and clips from Disney and Pixar’s film, UP. Check it out!

Spoiler Alert: Both of these videos WILL make you cry.

Zach’s Story:


Amy’s Tribute:


RIP Zach.

Can’t Stop Arguing

Q: Dear Love Jays,

My boyfriend and I are constantly arguing,  literally about everything. Daily. And we can’t figure out why. Even our good days end in arguments. Any advice?

A: Dear What’s Goin’ On?

Jumping straight in…

Mr. J and I bicker a lot, like an old married couple. That’s just how we get down. A little tiff here and there is normal and healthy. When we start arguing the source is typically bigger than what we are actually arguing about.  Sometimes the real issue is something going on in our relationship that needs to be adjusted and other times it is an external factor that neither of us has control over.

My advice is to sit down with your boyfriend and try to identify where the real problem lies, work it out together. It can be anything from a problem at work to someone smacking their gum all day every day and it’s really getting under the other person’s skin. The reason why you are still arguing, even after a good day, is because the real issue has not been resolved.

Once you identify what’s wrong, come up with a strategy on how you guys are going to tackle the speed bump. Problem solving together will give you guys the opportunity to unite with a positive, common goal.

Good Luck!


Miss J

Dear Non-Stop Arguing,

I’ve always emphasized the importance of communication within in a relationship, but battling in a war of words isn’t quite what I was envisioning. Arguing typically results from bottled up frustration (work, school, the relationship) and usually makes the situation worse, leaving both parties more upset without resolution.

The best practice in discovering the source of these arguments begins by examining our internalized feelings. What experiences have occurred over the past few months that you may not have acknowledged or handled correctly? Are you spending too much time together? Have your feelings for your significant other changed? Is your relationship lacking in a particular area? All of these questions require us to break down our facades and search for the reason(s) behind our frustration.

Miss J and I have worked diligently at keeping arguments at a minimum. When we feel a conversation escalating, one of us will typically leave the conversation and take a few minutes to collect our thoughts; approaching the situation with controlled emotions often results in a better outcome. Does this mean we always handle our emotions correctly and never argue? Absolutely not. But just like anything, the more you work at things, the better equipped you are to deal with it.


Mr. J

© LoveJays 2013

Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 11

In this week’s episode, we discussed 100% disclosure in relationships, managing attraction for another person while in a relationship, our vlog series on Alright TV (If you haven’t subscribed yet, you definitely should!), and the progression of gender roles within a relationship.

We hope everyone enjoyed a loving, special and fun Mother’s Day weekend!



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Afraid Of Being Alone

Love Jays

Dear Love Jays,

I am unhappy in my relationship, but I love my significant other while also being afraid of being alone. Advice?

Dear Unhappily Staying,

Happiness: Life’s ultimate goal.

Sacrificing your happiness out of fear of being alone is ultimately hurting your own personal growth and development. When we love someone, our logical processes sometimes get disrupted by the heart’s overwhelming power and we may ignore some important triggers along the way. Before we can fully love someone, we must learn to love and respect ourselves. Casting aside our own personal well-being for love’s sake isn’t love at all; it’s deception at it’s finest. Every relationship requires us to make sacrifices; happiness isn’t one of them.

What is the true reason you are afraid of being alone? Are you unwilling to confront your own thoughts and examine the true source of your unhappiness? Are you comfortable in your own skin? I don’t write these questions to attack; I write these questions from personal experience. The road to discovery isn’t the most comfortable experience, but it’s the most important journey we can make.


Mr. J

Dear Afraid To Move On,

Fear. It is the number one reason why people don’t do the things they really want to do. You may love the person you are with, but you both deserve happiness. If you are unhappy, chances are your significant other isn’t either and if he/she isn’t there yet they eventually will be. It’s just a matter of time.

Staying in a relationship out of fear is a recipe for disaster. No one wants to be alone, but once you take the leap you may find that you like yourself and being on your own isn’t so bad. Having company and companionship is great, but knowing you can be happy on your own is better. It will make for  healthier relationships in the future and a happier you.

Good Luck!


Miss J

© LoveJays 2013