Is He Interested?

Dear Love Jays,

Are there such things as signs so you know when a guy is into you?

Dear Looking for Signs,

When a man meets a woman who has caught their attention, we typically tend to give off dozens of signs. Whether it’s being extra friendly (I’m talking that painfully over-the-top friendly) or connecting with you on social media and “liking” every new status update or picture, men aren’t very shy about their intentions.

Unfortunately for us, women are in full control and interpret these signs in two ways:

  1. He is trying too hard…not interested.
  2. He is acting different…does he like me? If so, am I interested?

The first interpretation is well warranted since many of us really do try too hard when talking with a lady. Fellas, let’s be honest here, we can all look back and identify at least 3-5 times when our game just wasn’t quite up to par. Easy way to avoid looking like an idiot – talk with your head, not with your penis.

On the flip side, the second one makes things complicated. Men typically have a very fast turnover rate, except for those rare instances when we are shot with Cupid’s arrow. We think know what we want and If we don’t get it in a relatively short amount of time, we move onto the next one. Right, wrong or indifferent – men aren’t the most patient when it comes getting a woman. As a result, our lack of patience is probably the leading reason why so many good women are still single!

There is no doubting the fact that men give off signs when they are interested. The real question is are you opening yourself up into receiving such signs?


Mr. J


Dear I Need a Sign,

Reading the opposite sex can prove to be challenging. No one wants to put their feelings out in the universe all willy nilly for everyone to see without knowing there will be a definite ROI (Return on Investment). Because of this we often find ourselves trying to guess how a person feels about us and overreading into the smallest gestures.

When it comes to reading a man, I find they are actually quite simple. They may not always say what they mean, but they will always do what they mean.  Basically I am trying to say their actions should speak louder than their words. You can tell a man likes you when what he says lines up with/ backs up what he is doing.


He says: I like you.

Action (If he likes you): He buys you flowers.

Action (If he doesn’t like you): He does not acknowledge you in public.

These are just examples, but I am sure you understand what I am saying. It’s all in the actions. Trust your gut.Words are just words if there isn’t any fire behind them. Always remember, sweet nothings without actions are just that…NOTHING. Good Luck!


Miss J

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© LoveJays 2013

Hangin’ up the Player Ways

Q: Dear Love Jays,

How do you change your player ways and commit to someone not physically present?

A: Dear Changing your ways,

Short answer: self-control.
Long answer: self-control.

Hanging up the player ways isn’t easy. It requires you to be honest with yourself, acknowledging your shortcomings, then committing to self-control and discipline. Temptation lurks at every corner waiting for us to slip up and it’s easy to fall victim if you are not disciplined enough to reject it.

I’ve heard people say, “When you find the right one, it’ll be easy.”, but I don’t fully agree. It will undoubtedly motivate you to get your act together, but it still requires an intrinsic motivation to change. People only change if they want to change!

If you require physical interaction (hugging, kissing, sex, etc.) from your partner and the current circumstances aren’t allowing for that interaction, I find it very, very difficult to fully commit to someone without succumbing to your old ways. It’s not impossible, but it sure in the hell ain’t easy! Why set yourself up for failure and risk hurt or losing a good person? Remain uncommitted and trust everything will work out the way it’s designed!


Mr. J

A: Don’t wanna be a player no mo’, 

Tough question, easy answer. You just do. Make the decision to change and stick to it. Being a player takes a lot of coordination and effort (more for some and less for others). If you really WANT to change whether or not the person is in front of you is irrelevant. Is it  convenient? No. Will there be challenges? Absolutely. Whether or not someone is physically there should not make a difference as far as commitment goes. Commitment has nothing to do with who is involved and has everything to do with you. Good Luck!


Miss J


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© LoveJays 2012

Why I Don’t Want Your Number

A few months ago, Miss J wrote an entry addressing the different ways men approach women in hopes of getting their number. Miss J couldn’t have been more spot on with her analysis and her post even inspired two of our readers to create their own blog! It has easily been the most popular entry on our site, so in honor of Miss J’s great work, I feel like it’s time to offer a rebuttal addressing the ladies!

Men have always been accused of trying to make a pass on women every time we open our mouth. Regardless if we are at the bar with a few friends or grocery shopping, the moment we try to engage in conversation – women think we have a bag of tricks up our sleeves. Well, as Barack Obama eloquently stated dozens of times in the presidential debate last night, “It’s just not true!”

Women – I love you, but stop fooling yourselves into believing that every man who tries speaking with you has intentions on “getting yo numbah” or praying that you will join them in their bed tonight. Have you ever considered the simple fact that we just actually want to talk? Believe it or not, women aren’t the only species on earth who enjoy talking.  We love attention, especially from women, so it’s often nice to engage in a nice conversation with an intelligent woman. These conversations can range anywhere from a couple of seconds to several minutes, yet it still doesn’t insinuate we are left wanting or expecting more than a casual exchange of words.

On the flip side, there are definitely men who are looking to approach women for all the wrong reasons. But let’s face it, we aren’t as confident as we claim when approaching you. Yes, we may try to be big and bad with the guys, but often times we are nervous and don’t want to be rejected. Our fear of rejection often stymies any hopes of successfully approaching a women and typically leaves us sitting there with our friends falling into Miss J’s category 4. However, there are certainly occasions when our confidence is booming and ready to conquer the world, yet the women just don’t quite fit the mold.

What makes a woman fall into this category?  It differs for every person, but let’s take a look at a few scenarios…

1. The “I’m the flyest person in here” woman.

Yes – the whole venue is aware that you have arrived. Unfortunately, the attitude you walked in has captured more of my attention than your beauty. It’s okay to be fly, but tone it down a bit.

2. The “Are you going to buy me a drink” woman.

Ooooooh, so you thought because I said hello you were entitled to a drink? How does water on the rocks sound? Your implication of expecting a drink has already spoke volumes of the type of person you are…next! 

3. The “I’m trying too hard to dance correctly” woman.

Please stop running your fingers through your hair while making awkward faces and excuse yourself from the dance floor. If you can’t dance, no need to highlight your worst abilities – just enjoy the music and slowly feel the beat from your seat.

4. The “Too good to be out” woman.

You and I are in the same place, so please remove the look of superiority from your face. If you were going to look every person up and down with disgust, then why did you even come? You, your sparkle-covered iPhone and your Louis purse are contaminating the air.

5. The “My friend thinks you’re hot” woman. 

Hot? I’m grown. Thank you for the compliment, but I’ll pass. Also, sending your friend to do the legwork isn’t the best strategy.

6. The “Too perfect to approach” woman.

You are the perfect blend of sexiness and sophistication, yet I’m too intimidated to even speak. Your beauty is captivating, but I can’t find any ounce of courage to say hello. I have convinced myself I don’t have a chance, so I’ll stare from afar and imagine what could have been.

Ladies, help us out! Every word leaving our mouth is not a setup to something greater, so enjoy the conversation and laugh along with us.  Try it out – you may be surprised to see just how many respectable men are out there!


Mr. J

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© LoveJays 2012