Is He Interested?

Dear Love Jays,

Are there such things as signs so you know when a guy is into you?

Dear Looking for Signs,

When a man meets a woman who has caught their attention, we typically tend to give off dozens of signs. Whether it’s being extra friendly (I’m talking that painfully over-the-top friendly) or connecting with you on social media and “liking” every new status update or picture, men aren’t very shy about their intentions.

Unfortunately for us, women are in full control and interpret these signs in two ways:

  1. He is trying too hard…not interested.
  2. He is acting different…does he like me? If so, am I interested?

The first interpretation is well warranted since many of us really do try too hard when talking with a lady. Fellas, let’s be honest here, we can all look back and identify at least 3-5 times when our game just wasn’t quite up to par. Easy way to avoid looking like an idiot – talk with your head, not with your penis.

On the flip side, the second one makes things complicated. Men typically have a very fast turnover rate, except for those rare instances when we are shot with Cupid’s arrow. We think know what we want and If we don’t get it in a relatively short amount of time, we move onto the next one. Right, wrong or indifferent – men aren’t the most patient when it comes getting a woman. As a result, our lack of patience is probably the leading reason why so many good women are still single!

There is no doubting the fact that men give off signs when they are interested. The real question is are you opening yourself up into receiving such signs?


Mr. J


Dear I Need a Sign,

Reading the opposite sex can prove to be challenging. No one wants to put their feelings out in the universe all willy nilly for everyone to see without knowing there will be a definite ROI (Return on Investment). Because of this we often find ourselves trying to guess how a person feels about us and overreading into the smallest gestures.

When it comes to reading a man, I find they are actually quite simple. They may not always say what they mean, but they will always do what they mean.  Basically I am trying to say their actions should speak louder than their words. You can tell a man likes you when what he says lines up with/ backs up what he is doing.


He says: I like you.

Action (If he likes you): He buys you flowers.

Action (If he doesn’t like you): He does not acknowledge you in public.

These are just examples, but I am sure you understand what I am saying. It’s all in the actions. Trust your gut.Words are just words if there isn’t any fire behind them. Always remember, sweet nothings without actions are just that…NOTHING. Good Luck!


Miss J

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