My Best Friend Is In An Abusive Relationship…HELP!

 Dear Love Jays,

Tough situation. My best friend is involved with a terrible guy. He’s every form of bad. She seems to have slipped in to this strong state of delusion where she believes without a doubt that the two of them are just meant to be together. Her logic? “Why would we [I] be going through all of these terrible things if we weren’t meant to be together”. As if the current challenge of being 100% loyal to and supportive of an emotionally, physically, and mentally abusive unfaithful man is somehow preparing her for this moment where she saves him, or changes him.

It seems she isn’t listening to reason or logic.
How do I help her though?

Dear Control What You Can Control,

As hard as it may be to understand, digest, or comprehend — we have no control over who our friends decide to date or marry. We all have different standards and expectations when it comes to selecting a significant other. Some of these standards seem relatively common and some are little off-base, but just because we are friends with someone, it doesn’t mean we all share the same expectations.

The best thing you can be for your friend is a friend. Nothing more, nothing less. If she comes to you for advice, give it. Be respectful. Come from a place a love. Make sure she knows you care. Everything else is completely up to her. We all have the power of choice. Choose wisely.


Mr. J

Dear Between A Rock A Hard Place,

I know your first instinct is to jump right in and rescue your friend from this man who has hurt her in every way and stripped her of any and all common sense. Unfortunately, It’s not your job to save her just like it’s not her job to save her relationally inept man. You cannot save someone who does not want / think they need to be saved.

This is not to say there is absolutely nothing you can do. You can love her and support her as an individual as much as you can. If you haven’t already, it’s okay to sit down and have a heart to heart with her and express why you are worried. Don’t attack her, she already gets enough of that. Avoid all smart ass comments, because if it comes down to her having to choose him or you, she will most likely choose him. You never want to feel like you should have said something. Say it all, but only say it once-unless she asks for your honest opinion later on down the road. Always be honest with her, she doesn’t need to be under the false pretense that you believe the lies she tells herself as well.

You are on the outside looking in, so it is very easy to say she’s delusional; which is probably accurate, but it’s not of her own accord. Men like that specialize in delusion. They are always saying things along the lines of “Baby you need me”, “you are nothing without me”, “nobody else will want you”, “if you go I will hurt somebody you love”, “if you leave me I’ll kill myself”, “if you leave me I will kill you”, “I want to marry you”, and of course there’s the “Don’t leave, I won’t do it again. I promise”. He might not be saying these exact words, but the sentiment is there.

You know the saying game recognizes game? Well, weak recognizes weak. I know you don’t want to hear it, but your best friend had a weakness and whatever it was her current weakling man recognized it and preyed on her vulnerability. Your job is to try your best to build her up and make her strong again without interfering with her relationship. Be a friend. I know it’s hard and I will pray for you both.


Miss J

*If you witness any physical abuse, it is more than okay to contact the police.*