

Justin and Joy discussing refining all aspects of their life and learning to accept the casualties of growth.

  • Joy’s eventful birthday weekend filled with meditation and gratitude.
  • The transition from living a life of accumulation to a life of refinement.
  • Embracing the freedom to live unapologetically free without the pressures of society.
  • How a first-class ticket finally convinced Joy how much Justin loves her.
  • Learning to accept the casualties of growth.
  • Is it possible to repair a friendship without rekindling it?
  • And much more!

Continue reading “Twenty-Fine”

Better Luck Next Time

black history

Justin and Joy discuss their differing opinions on birthday celebrations and revisit their experience with celibacy.

  • Happy Black History Month!!
  • Justin’s 29th birthday celebration(s) had Joy feeling some type of way.
  • Our experience hosting a friendship support group session.
  • 100×100 Campaign – 100 reviews by our 100th episode.
  • Don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly wellness newsletter.
  • Salute to Colin Kaepernick for completing his Million Dollar Pledge.
  • Revisiting our celibacy journey.
  • Removing the power from sex and redefining its purpose within your relationship.
  • And much more!

Continue reading “Better Luck Next Time”

23 Lessons I Learned In My 23rd Year of Life

Hey Love Fans,

My birthday is tomorrow! As much as I love my actual birthday, every year on September 6th I reflect on the past year of my current age. Today is the last day I will ever be able to say I am 23 ever again. I want to savor that. I wanted to share with you all 23 things I have learned and observed this past year. Enjoy 🙂


Miss J

1. I’d be rich-ish if I didn’t have bills.


2. I am open to more things than I thought I am open to. Cool.

so fetch

3. Life keeps trucking along, whether you are on board or not so I should probably just stay on board.

just keep swimming

4. People are going to do whatever they want to do.

whateva whateva

5. I am capable of getting a better job.


 6. I am truly a unique individual. Growing up you always hear that there’s no one like you, the revelation that this is true has been both rewarding and at times lonely.


 7.   God is awesome! He’s got my back and he ALWAYS answers my prayers. Major Shout out to God!

thank God

8.  Happiness is a choice and it’s a choice I have to make every day. There is no such thing as a naturally happy person. People who are happy, try to be happy.


 9.  What’s meant to be will be when it is supposed to be and not a second sooner. What’s not meant to be won’t be, ever.

meant to be

10.  I should probably respond to text messages and missed calls within 24 hours…probably.


11.  I am young and I know a lot of things, but I don’t know everything and I am totally okay with that.


 12. There’s a huge difference between being self-ish and self concerned.


 13.  If I count my blessings I get really excited about everything I have and focus less on what I don’t have.


14. Supporting someone doesn’t necessarily mean agreeing with them. It means catching them if they fall without saying “I told you so” and being there no matter what.


15.  I am not responsible for how others feel about me. Might as well just be myself.

be yourself

 16. Love goes a loooooooonnnng way.

long road

17.  My savings account should be used as an actual savings and budgets are a necessary evil.


18.  I will always feel better when you take care of myself mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. If any one of these things are off, I am off too.


 19.  It’s okay to see a therapist. Sometimes life happens and you need to talk about it with an unbiased and completely uninvolved party.


The Incredibles
The Incredibles

 20. I have an addiction to reading.


21. It’s okay to change.


22. Justin aka Mr. J is THE BEST partner in crime.


 23. Self acceptance and self love is the best gift I could ever give myself.

Love yourself

Mr. J’s Special Day


Hello Everyone! 

Today is a very special day.  Guess why? Yep, that’s right, it’s Mr. J’s birthday! Yay! 

As some of you may remember for my 23rd birthday Mr. J wrote 23 facts, feelings and whatever else came to mind about me. So for his 24th, I wanted to return the favor. So without further aduie, I present to you 24 random things about Mr. J. 

  1. Mr. J is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He really cares about the wellbeing of others and never  hesitates to help a person in need. 
  2. Mr. J is one of the most genuine people I know. He is not one to fake anything. If you ask, he will tell you exactly how he feels; good, bad or indifferent.
  3. Mr. J likes monkeys just as much as I do, even though he would never admit it. 
  4. Mr. J lets me call him “Monkey”. 
  5. Mr. J has to put things back where he got them from. Always. 
  6. Mr. J moans when he eats. 
  7. Mr. J’s default volume is “loud”. If you are within a mile radius of him you will know. He’s the tall guy shouting at the person directly across from him as if they are 50 yards apart. 
  8. Mr. J does not fit in rides at Knott’s Berry Farm because his legs are too long. 
  9. Mr. J can do the dougie and secretly loves when the song comes on at social gatherings so he can “hit his dougie” for the crowd. 
  10. Mr. J is the most supportive friend. He will be your number one fan. 
  11. Mr. J will do anything for the people he loves and probably just as much for someone he hardly knows. 
  12. If Mr. J has been sitting for a long time he stands up like an old man because his knees are bad. 
  13. Mr. J enjoys a good two-step. (old man tendencies die hard) 
  14. Mr. J was team captain of his basketball team in college & he was (and still is)  a beast on the court. 
  15. Mr. J dunks on people while staring them in the eye. 
  16. Mr. J will have a long/deep conversation with a stranger. He will genuinely be interested in everything they have to say and then be perfectly content never seeing or talking to the again after said conversation is over. 
  17. Mr. J can successfully pull a boot off of a woman’s foot. 
  18. Mr. J is a lingerer. If you plan on leaving somewhere at a decent time, he is not the person to ride with. He is usually either among the last to leave or the very last person to leave. 
  19. Mr. J wears a size 15 shoe and has huge hands – No subtext. I am literally  just saying he has big hands and feet. 
  20. Mr. J always announces when he has to go number two. And if he is really comfortable with you, he WILL leave the door open while doing so. 
  21. Mr. J will dance with me when there is no music playing.
  22. Mr. J always knows how to put a smile on my face. 
  23. Mr. J never ceases to amaze me. Everyday I discover something else about him that is just as awesome as he is as a whole. 
  24. Mr. J is my best friend. He is truly just an honest to goodness great person. He cares for people and looks out for them. His ultimate dream is to lead a life of service to those in need, who could not love that? 

I love you babe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 


Miss J

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