Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 15

Love Jays TraidoV

Happy Monday!

In this week’s episode, we discussed Father’s Day, Mr. J’s new job opportunity (Hallelujah!), healing from past relationships before entering a new one, and #SplitsOnTrees!



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Single & Ready To Mingle


Dear Love Jays,

I’m 22 and I have never had a boyfriend or been asked out on a date (pretty sad, I know). I’m graduating from university this summer and I feel like I’m ready to start dating. How should I go about this?

Dear Ready To Date,

Stop beating yourself up for never having a boyfriend or being asked out on a date. I can provide a hefty list of people who have had at least one of the aforementioned, yet they are completely closed off to the idea of starting a relationship. Go figure.

I tend to find the positives in almost all situations, so embrace your current situation and be comfortable in knowing someone will have to wait at least 22 years before they get the privilege of taking you out on a date. Seems pretty damn awesome to me!

The best way to jump-start your dating life is to connect with like-minded people. Embracing our interests and hobbies is a great way to boost our happiness and fuel self-confidence. is a great resource that helps thousands of people organize and connect with others who have similar interests. If connecting with strangers online isn’t your cup of tea, attend local events in your area (concerts, exhibits, restaurant openings, street fairs) with some friends. The more you embrace and love yourself, the happier you become. The happier you become, the better life gets!


Mr. J


Dear I’m Ready,

We each have to embrace our individual paths when it comes to love. No two love lives are exactly the same. I know it seems like there aren’t a whole lot of 20 somethings out there who have never been in a serious relationship, but you are not as alone as you think.

The process of dating can be very difficult to say the least. My best advice is to hang out with people who are heading in the direction you want to go in. Whether it be in life, love, career ect… You’ve heard the adage birds of a feather flock together right? Chances are these friends will also have other friends who share similar interest and goals. If you run in the same circles as the type of person you are looking to date you should eventually meet someone who is pretty darn compatible.

Hope this helps!


Miss J

© LoveJays 2013

Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 13

Love Jays on TradioV

Good Morning Love Birds!

In this week’s episode, we were joined by Kristen Carter, screenwriter and television producer. We discussed Memorial Day weekend, celibacy, Mr. J’s struggle with unemployment, Zach Sobiech, and the difference between east coast/west coast men.

Special congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Jared and Jordana Kaiser (Mr. J’s college teammate) on their wedding this weekend!



Love Jays on TradioV: Episode 11

In this week’s episode, we discussed 100% disclosure in relationships, managing attraction for another person while in a relationship, our vlog series on Alright TV (If you haven’t subscribed yet, you definitely should!), and the progression of gender roles within a relationship.

We hope everyone enjoyed a loving, special and fun Mother’s Day weekend!



Have a Question for the Love Jays?

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Afraid Of Being Alone

Love Jays

Dear Love Jays,

I am unhappy in my relationship, but I love my significant other while also being afraid of being alone. Advice?

Dear Unhappily Staying,

Happiness: Life’s ultimate goal.

Sacrificing your happiness out of fear of being alone is ultimately hurting your own personal growth and development. When we love someone, our logical processes sometimes get disrupted by the heart’s overwhelming power and we may ignore some important triggers along the way. Before we can fully love someone, we must learn to love and respect ourselves. Casting aside our own personal well-being for love’s sake isn’t love at all; it’s deception at it’s finest. Every relationship requires us to make sacrifices; happiness isn’t one of them.

What is the true reason you are afraid of being alone? Are you unwilling to confront your own thoughts and examine the true source of your unhappiness? Are you comfortable in your own skin? I don’t write these questions to attack; I write these questions from personal experience. The road to discovery isn’t the most comfortable experience, but it’s the most important journey we can make.


Mr. J

Dear Afraid To Move On,

Fear. It is the number one reason why people don’t do the things they really want to do. You may love the person you are with, but you both deserve happiness. If you are unhappy, chances are your significant other isn’t either and if he/she isn’t there yet they eventually will be. It’s just a matter of time.

Staying in a relationship out of fear is a recipe for disaster. No one wants to be alone, but once you take the leap you may find that you like yourself and being on your own isn’t so bad. Having company and companionship is great, but knowing you can be happy on your own is better. It will make for  healthier relationships in the future and a happier you.

Good Luck!


Miss J

© LoveJays 2013