Common Courtesy


“Don’t ever walk into my house without speaking!”, my father exclaimed.

“Sorry, Mr. Riley. Hello.”, my friend responded.

I was around 12 years-old when this short, but powerful exchange happened. Growing up, my father always emphasized the importance of speaking to people when you walked into their home. And not only did you speak to the head(s) of the household, you would also acknowledge the guest(s) in the room. Even if you didn’t know anyone in the entire place, you spoke.

And this rule didn’t just apply to households.

The expectation was simple: speak whenever you enter the room.

I automatically assumed most people were raised with a similar expectation, but as I grew older, I realized people didn’t hold this small act in high regard. Even something so small as speaking to the clerk at the grocery store when checking out or asking your server how their day is going before ordering something to drink. A small acknowledgement of their presence as a human being isn’t too much to ask, right?

My college roommates would invite friends over and their guests would hardly speak, unless they knew one of us in the group. People walk into our office, look at you in the face, and walk by as if you weren’t sitting there. If I want a proper greeting, I have to go out of my way to acknowledge them first. Who raised you?

Maybe I’m being too sensitive and people just aren’t aware, but my gut tells me otherwise. Do any of you get annoyed when people don’t speak when entering your house or workplace?

Holla at me!

Mr. J

Friendships of the Opposite Sex

Opposite Sex Friendships

Q:Dear Love Jays,

My fiance goes out to bars and stuff. Recently, I saw him texting a female who he said is just a friend. What is your view on guys having females as friend who they meet after already being in a relationship.

A:Dear Feeling Friendly,

Developing new friendships of the opposite sex, while in a relationship, can often be a bit tricky. We are naturally attracted to like-minded people and it’s impossible to completely “turn-off” our friendly demeanor because we are in a committed relationship. We have all met some of our friends at the most random of places or times, yet that is the beauty of life and these friendships.

I’ve always been an active proponent for developing new friendships throughout our various stages of life; however, it is very important to exercise common decency and respect when developing new friendships. Our intentions may be completely innocent and pure, but those same intentions may not be reciprocated by the other person. Miss J has often expressed that women are more attracted to men who are in relationships because it shows that these men have the capability of committing. As much as I have tried ignoring this statement, it has proven to be true more times than not.

I’m not against making new friends of the opposite sex, but it’s critical to make your significant other aware of this newly formed friendship. If introducing the two would cause a problem, chances are very likely this “friendship” probably shouldn’t exist.


Mr. J

A: Dear Female Friends,

My initial response is to say there is no such thing as a new female friend. Yea…that’s about it.

  1. She’s your Friend. (The girlfriend’s friend)
  2. She’s a work friend, that he leaves at work.
  3. She’s a friend from class, that he leaves in the classroom.

There should be no one-on-one hanging out. Texting is okay, but not in length.

Acceptable Text:

“Hey, what time is the mandatory meeting tomorrow?”

*his response should be short and sweet and as should hers.

Unacceptable Text:

“Hey, how was your day? I was bummed in that meeting at work today, but then I saw you and it made me smile. xoxo”

Every relationship has its own set of rules. Mr. J and I established early on what we would and would not tolerate as far as befriending the opposite sex goes. In my opinion women do not need to befriend men who are already involved in a relationship any deeper than on a surface level. Okay, I have to leave this alone before I get messy. I will talk about it more on our radio show this Saturday.

Good Luck!


Miss J


© LoveJays 2013