It’s All About Sex

Q: Dear Love Jays,

I’m sure this will sound like a silly problem to have, but it seems to be on my mind a lot.

My boyfriend has an extremely high sex drive (abnormally high actually, even for a guy). I keep up pretty well! And I’m always flattered by how much he wants me or how much he’s attracted to me (and just me too). However, I frequently find myself upset because despite whether we are in great moods, having a serious conversation, having fun, or fighting like crazy, practically everything that comes out of his mouth is sex-oriented. Everything is always about sex, usually. Things always seem to be very sexual or physical.

What do you guys think??

A: Dear Hyperactive Sex Drive,

More often than not, we hear stories about people getting frustrated with a lack of sexaul activity within thier relationship. While I do believe not being sexed right will lead to problems, being oversexed just might lead to problems as well.

Let’s be candid. Sex is an important aspect of most relationships. It’s how we communicate physically with those we care about…most times. And just like any other language, we have to practice and learn the best ways to incorporate it within our relationship.

Sex must be handled responsibly. Shifting our focus to “all-sex-everything” may be a sign of emotional immaturity and a lack of understanding on how to effectively communicate our feelings with our partner. It’s okay to have sex – I’m not arguing against it. But it’s important to understand that sex is only one aspect of the relationship. A strong relationship must be well-rounded and equally proportioned.

If it’s really starting to bother you, I would encourage you to initiate a conversation with your boyfriend. Explain to him how you are feeling and try to figure out why sex is the only thing on his mind. As I always say, communication is key.


Mr. J

A: Dear Crazy [Sex] Drive Me Crazy, 

We live in an overly sexualized society. There are sexual stimuli EVERYWHERE! Add those stimuli to a man with a healthy dose of testosterone and voila, we have your boyfriend. 

Studies show, on average, men think of sexual activity about once every hour. Let’s say that the man is awake for 15 hours, he has now (supposedly) thought about sex 15 times that day. Now let’s say the man has an overactive sex drive and for arguments sake he maybe has thought about sex twice an hour making his total thought count 30 times in one day. If he sees something/someone (you)  who can relive his desire he is going to go for it, no matter what the mood. 

Girl World Clarification: You have made the declaration to hit the gym and stay away from sweets. You wake up to discover aunt Flo has come to town and all you want is Yogurtland’s chocolate froyo. You  resist the urge because you will have Heidi Klum’s legs in a month even if it kills you. As the day goes by little things keep reminding you of Yogurtland’s chocolate froyo. You go to the gym and have an ok work out, even though you know it could have been better, at least it was better than nothing. You have to meet a friend for dinner, and on your way there you pass a Yogurtland. You resist again. At dinner you order a vegetables and maybe baked chicken, but you are not satisfied. All you want is Yogurtland’s chocolate froyo. As you are leaving the restaurant you notice another froyo shop, it’s not Yogurtland. It’s not necessarily the right time; but you have been thinking about chocolate froyo all day, and you did at least go to the gym.That’s it! You are going to get it right here, right now! Chocolate froyo is chocolate froyo, right?

To sum it up your man is spending a lot of time thinking about sex and you have become the solution to his sex craving. That’s why no matter what is going on in your relationship at the time he still wants to do it. He wants it and he wants it BAD. It even sounds like he has removed emotion from the sex equation and made it a very regular physical need. Sex should not just be something you do habitually. 

The best thing you can do is break it down to him. Nicely of course. You said you often find yourself upset, it’s time to let him know! You are not a sex object, nor will you tolerate him treating you as such. 

I’m going to get some chocolate froyo now! 

Good Luck! 


Miss J 

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Soul Mate(s)

Q: Dear Love Jays,

I have read through most of your post and wonder what is your he said/ she said version of soul mates/ twin flames?

A: Dear Thoughts about Soul Mates,

With billions of people living on earth, the chances of meeting our actual soul mate can be pretty intimidating. Social media and online dating have made it much easier to connect with complete strangers by narrowing our target audience, but it still doesn’t eliminate the long and arduous road some travel in finding a mate.

I definitely believe soul mates do exist, yet I don’t feel it’s as uncommon as some may think. When we traditionally think of “soul mates”, we create this fairy-tale of a story about two people who are so madly in love and will spend the rest of their lives together in eternal bliss. Our society has created this façade that cripples people into believing their soul mate will fulfill every item on their checklist and only a select few will ever get to experience it.


Finding your soul mate isn’t all about finding the perfect person; it’s about finding the person who simply makes you a better you. The person who makes you smile, laugh, cry; the person you enjoy seeing everyday and loving; your best friend. We are often presented with people who could be our soul mate(s), yet we may not be ready or open to receiving such a blessing. Lord knows, I wasn’t ready to find Miss J at 18, but there comes a point when you stop fighting and you let nature take its course.

They say good things always come when you least expect it, so just live and stop worrying about finding your soul mate. Be open and willing to accept/give love and I’m sure someone will come wandering in your direction. The question is, will you be ready?


Mr. J

A: Dear Questioning The Existence Of Soul Mates, 

To truly believe in a soul mate, I think it is important to understand exactly what a soul mate is. In Greek mythology, it is said a single human being consisted of a male and female in one body. Zeus feared the power of the male and female together as one, so he separated them into two separate bodies leaving them to roam the earth in search of their other half. Today, a soul mate is defined as a person who is perfectly suited for another in temperament. In layman’s terms, a soul mate is supposed to be someone who “just gets you”.

I think we encounter several “soul mates” in life. Some in the form of friendship, mentors, family, and of course romance. In terms of romance, I do believe in “the one”. But I also believe that “the one” may not be your “one and only” or they could in fact be just that.

Let me explain…

Let’s say you meet someone and you are madly in love. You understand each other and things just make sense. Now let’s say (God forbid) something tragic happens and that person passes away. I cannot and do not believe that you are damned to live the rest of your life without the prospect of having that connection ever again.

I also do not believe any relationship is effortless, soul mate or otherwise. So now let’s say you meet someone and you are madly in love and you connect on every level, but you don’t work at anything. You let the relationship rot. Well in that case I think you are prematurely ending things with the one person who may be designated as your soul mate for a longer period of time than you decided to stay together. Does that make sense?

Everyone comes into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. It is extremely hard to tell who is in your life for which reason so your best option is to love always.

So in short I guess my answer is yes, I believe in soul mates. There may or may not be more than one. Either way you will have to work hard at the relationship. Love hard and love always. You can’t go wrong with that.


Miss J

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Not a Fan of my Girlfriend’s Boyfriend

Q: Dear Love Jays,

I wanted some advice on how to deal with a close friend and her boyfriend. The guy she is in a relationship in my opinion is a terrible influence on my friend. They have broken up in the past and during their break, all of our friends shared with her their real feelings on him. Instead of us being sad for her during the split we were all so excited because no one likes him. They ended up getting back together and since then I never like asking about her boyfriend because I have nothing nice to say about him. I feel like he is a loser and she is lowering her standards for him, hoping she can change him. She seems to really like him and I don’t want to constantly disapprove, so I say nothing at all. I want her to be happy but is it okay to just sit idly by and say nothing and let it run its course?

A: Dear Do you Have to Date Him, 

As hard as it may seem,yes, you have to say and do nothing. It’s really hard to watch the people you love make bad decisions.As long as she is not being abused and there are no signs of abuse in the future, you pretty much just have to sit and watch. If she asks for your advice/opinion then you are free to share. If she just needs to vent and does not want your  two cents then keep your mouth shut. Easier said than done (I am still learning this).

I want to draw you attention to some things you wrote.You said, “In my opinion [he] is a terrible influence on my friend” and “I think he is a loser”. Notice you did not write, “In HER opinion…” and “SHE thinks he is a loser”. Unfortunately, what you think is irrelevant unless prompted by your friend.

My mother always taught me when it comes to a friend and her man you have to tread carefully. Women are automatically defensive when it comes to matters of the heart, if your friend is keeping this man around chances are she has made a place for him in her heart. Her heart, her choice. Just remain as supportive as possible and don’t dwell on her relationship because it is not going to end it any faster. I am a very protective friend and I really can relate to your concerns. I know you are coming from a good place of genuine concern, but your friend is perfectly capable of making her own decisions. Maybe there is a lesson she needs to learn and in order to learn that lesson she needs to go through this experience.

I want to be clear…as I stated before, if there is any abuse or any potential for abuse you should definitely state your concerns. Also know that part of abuse is isolation, if he knows you are on to him he will do his best to manipulate her into cutting off your friendship.I sincerely hope this is not the case.

Ready for the silver lining? You know a pig when you see one.  Congrats!


Miss J

A: Dear When being a friend is tough,

Friendships are invaluable. Whenever we are going through a difficult time or just need someone to make us smile, we can always count on our friends to be at our side. These are the people who run in our closest of circles and have our best interest at heart. We share everything with them and love listening to their advice, but when it comes to expressing our concern with their significant other…it all changes.

The defense walls shoot to the heavens, irrational excuses counter logical points, our friend feels attacked, frustration spews from our pores…the list continues. The conversations keep circling with no direction or progress, then slowly, both parties distance themselves from each other.

It’s hard to watch our friend date someone we feel doesn’t fit the mold, but it’s not our job to make those decisions. You are entitled to giving your opinion; it’s on your friend to take it or leave it. Continually bringing it up will only drive a wedge between the friendship, so you have to accept what you can’t change and hope for the best. Our only job as friends is to actually be a friend, so focus your energy on positivity and ride it out!


Mr. J

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Fire and Ice

Q: Dear Love Jays,

My mother and my boyfriend do not get along at all. I don’t want them to be best friends, but it would be nice to comfortably go to dinner or go over for holidays without any awkwardness! Do you have any suggestions on how to handle this monster-in-law situation??

A: Dear Water and Oil,

A key element in maintaining a successful and happy relationship is support from our friends and family. It’s human nature to seek support in most of our endeavors, so when we don’t get support (especially from those close to us), it typically makes matters a little more difficult.

It’s time to ask and analyze a very simple question, “Why don’t they get along?” I’m sure both parties have “valid” reasons for not getting along with each other, but it’s important that you sit down with each of them and get to the root of the issue. I’m unaware of how close you are with your mother, but if you consider her one of your closest friends and knowledgeable, I would pay close attention to what she is saying. People who reside in our inner circle typically have our best interest at heart 99.5% of the time and have the ability to often see with a little more clarity and unbiased(ness). I’m in no way downplaying your boyfriend’s opinion of the situation, so still take quality time in gathering his feelings.

Everyone involved in this dilemma is an adult and should act appropriately. Even if the two still can’t get along in the future and you decide to continue dating him, a level of respect needs to be established. Period. He shouldn’t disrespect your mother and vice versa. However, any man who will blatantly disrespect the mother of his girlfriend may have some issues of his own. I’m just saying…


Mr. J

A: Dear It’s a Sticky Situation,

Sounds like you are in a pickle! Two of the people you love most in the world can’t get along, that’s never any fun. What you do have going for you is the fact that they both love you. How vocal have you been with the two of them in regards to how they interact makes you feel?

I have 2 suggestions; I do not know your mother and boyfriend so I feel the need to give you options.

My first suggestion would be to sit them down together and express how you feel and how you would like them to at least be cordial with one another. Tell them both how much you love them, and what you love about them while they are in the same room. Taking this approach can help in several ways.

1. They will both be able to see exactly how you feel about the other by experiencing the love you have for them first hand.
2. You will be saying exactly what you love about them, this may force them to look beyond how they feel and try to see the same good qualities you mentioned within each other.
3. It may give them a sense of camaraderie, they will have to work together to please you and as you know, they both love you. People tend they share a common goal, especially if they need the help of another to achieve it.

The second approach would be to talk to them individually. Don’t just bring it up casually, like you did not plan on talking. You need to let them each know just how important the subject is to you. Have a plan, have what you need to say laid out, and make sure you express exactly how you feel. Do not point the finger at one person or another and let each of them know it is going to have to be a collaborative effort. Tell both of them you will be/ have talked to the other person as well. Also, let them know that their disdain for each other has little effect on each of them, but has a huge effect on you. Neither of them will want to hurt you anymore. You just have to clearly express how you feel and put your foot down.

Side Note #1: Something for you to think about- why don’t they get along? In my experience when a parent and significant other can’t get along it’s due to a parent not being ready to let go, the significant other falling short of the parents expectations, or the parent not being a good parent in the past. It could be none of those things, and it could be some of them. Just some food for thought.

Side Note #2: I have always felt it is the responsibility of you/your significant other to develop a relationship/get along with your girlfriend/boyfriend’s parents. Parents need to be eased into meeting someone new who may be around forever. It is the job of your significant other to make that transition as painless as possible. Your boyfriend should never be anything less than respectful at all times no matter what is going on in his head. It is definitely ok for him to express how he feels to you and even to your mother, but it should always be in good taste.


Miss J

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Something Special for my Man

Q: Dear Love Jays,

My boyfriend has been working so hard (with REALLY long hours) this month and has been a tad more stressed than usual. I want to do something extra special for him to help him unwind and have a little bit of fun. Any suggestions?

 A: Dear Thoughtful,

My suggestion would be to plan something flexible and relaxing. Since you said REALLY long hours I assume he is dead tired at the end of the day. He probably does not have the energy to do anything that requires extra effort. Instead I would suggest making the things he has to do anyway easier for him. For example, when he comes home you could have dinner ready( a man has to eat) and while he is eating run him a hot bath( a man has to get clean) , and after his bath you could give him a massage( just because you want to make him feel special). If he does not fall asleep during your massage you can have his favorite movie in the dvd player cued and ready to go. I say your plans need to be flexible because he may just want to get home and get in bed. With this type of plan, worst case scenario he just ends up having dinner for lunch the next day and you get to spare your hands from giving a massage!

Miss J

A: Dear A Little Something Special,

The great thing about being a man is our simplistic nature. It really doesn’t take much too please us, at all. We could have an ice cold beer while watching the game and be perfectly content and happy.

How does that ole’ proverb go: “The best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” We love food, especially a delicious home-cooked meal! Take an entire afternoon/evening to prepare a very romantic 3-course dinner. If you don’t know how to cook, spend some quality time researching and don’t use it as an excuse. I can already see it…he walks through the door and you have on a nice dress with the lights dim and candles on the dining room table. The music is low and the wine is in a bucket of ice. The appetizers are ready to be served – the two of you indulge. Haha, okay that’s enough. I was low key getting hungry!

Follow up the dinner with a nice dessert and then spend some “quality time” with each other. I’ll leave the X-Rated thoughts and suggestions left up to you and the readers! Have fun!


Mr. J

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© LoveJays 2012

R&R after a Break Up

Today’s post is inspired by a question we received yesterday and a conversation I had with  a newly single friend, the question was as follows: 

 “I’m newly single after a fairly serious relationship. Some people say to take time before dating again and some say to get back on the horse! What do you guys think?”

Mr. J and I both responded with wait, reflect, and go from there; but I did not really go into full detail as to why those steps are so important. I want to explain (from a woman’s perspective) why it is imperative to take time as a young woman for yourself.

I am speaking from my experience as a woman in her early twenties, but I am sure everyone will be able to pull a little something from this post.

It’s no secret that about a year ago, Mr. J and I broke up. I saw it coming from a mile away, but when it finally hit, it hit hard. In the beginning I was devastated; crying on the floor (full out fetal position-pathetic, I know) and absolutely heartbroken. Once I was able to accept what was happening, I found I was completely and utterly emotionally exhausted and it was not from all the crying. I had been emotionally draining myself for months and I was not even aware of it. This is common for breakups; most of us try to hold on to what we have because we are afraid of loosing it, no matter the cost. 

When my relationship started going down hill, I was only focused on Mr. J’s happiness. I stopped paying attention to what I really wanted and was doing everything in my power to try to make it work.  After all, that’s what love is right? Wrong! Not only was I not loving Mr. J right, I was also not loving myself right.

After this realization something amazing happened, I focused on “me”. I have always had great self-esteem, but there was something missing. I rediscovered myself, which was an interesting development because I was not aware I lost myself in the first place. I found that I had grown, the last time I focused on myself I was only 18, just a girl. Now I was a woman with a lot to offer and proud of it. I thoroughly enjoyed immersing myself in all things Joy. I discovered I am strong, passionate, confident,capable and best of all I was able to finally understand I did not need anyone to be all of those things. Those qualities belong to me. Of course I was willing to share, but I could sleep easy knowing I was a complete woman with or without any man – and a darn good one at that!

As time passed and I explored my identity further, I had yet another light bulb moment and that was that I actually LIKED myself! From there, loving myself was easy. I essentially dated myself. I got to know myself, went out a few times, found a few new hobbies, and voilà…there it was… Love

Now the relationship I have with Mr. J is ten times better because my happiness is not dependent on his. I am not afraid of being alone, and most importantly, I have discovered my worth as a woman and nothing can take that away from me. Ever. 

I encourage all women going through a breakup to really take advantage of the time you have afterwards. Yes, it is important to reflect on your past relationship and understand what you can do in the future in order for your next relationship to remain as healthy as possible. But, the best thing you can do for yourself and your next relationship is have YOU together. 

Best Wishes to you all. 


Miss J 

© LoveJays 2012