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Unconditional Love Part 3-My Conclusion


Love.Love. Love. Easy to feel and hard to understand. It’s a simple yet complex emotion and often over analyzed. Love is love. Period.

I originally began writing about the existence of unconditional love about a month ago. (Check out Unconditional Love Parts 1 and 2 here) I couldn’t bring myself to write a conclusion because I didn’t have one yet, but now I do so here it is.

Unconditional love DOES exist.

1. I know for a fact God loves me unconditionally. How do I know this? Because good things keep happening, despite my flawed human behavior my prayers are still answered. And I love him back, so that’s that.

2. My parents love me unconditionally. They just do and always will.

3. I love my parents unconditionally. I just do and always will.

4. I love my family and those I consider family unconditionally. I just do and always will.

With that being said I realized one thing. The condition is not love, it’s like. Love does not have conditions, you love someone or you don’t. There are various types of love, but love is love. I think when people start to experience a different type of love they think they have fallen out of love when really they have just transitioned into a different type of love.

“What about hate?” you say, “Certainly you can’t love someone you hate.”

I shall give you the gift of my favorite quote on the subject matter.

 “Isn’t hate merely the result of wounded love?” -Amy Tan

When you ‘hate’ someone you are experiencing wounded love. Still love, anyway you spin it.

Moving on…

After coming to this conclusion I was still wondering what I was feeling when I just absolutely did not like a person. Then it dawned on me… LIKE! That’s the answer! the opposite of like is dislike (obviously). So basically my understanding is this: You love some people and others you have never loved; but whether or not you like or dislike them it has nothing to do with love lost or gained. ‘Like’ is a different emotion with its own category and it is indeed completely conditional.

Love and Like,

Miss J

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Support During a Transition

 August 18, 2011.

I was scanning my closet with the biggest smile on my face. 

“What color should I wear?”

“I’ll were this one…never mind. I’ll keep it simple and wear this shirt.”

“Which tie looks best?

After 5-10 minutes of back-and-forth debate with my mother, I had finally picked out the outfit I would wear on my first day to work.

August 19, 2011.

It was a Friday, weather was great; I was scheduled to work a half-day. My nerves were all over the place, yet I was excited to embark on this new journey of adulthood and success. A few weeks had passed and I was slowly gaining a better understanding of my job responsibilities, rules to follow, and all that other “9-5” business stuff.

December 3, 2011.

I passed my 90-day review with flying colors and saved enough money to move out of my parent’s house into my very first place! Just seven months removed from college, I was working as an Admissions Counselor at a top-tier, highly selective university and was living on my own. I was officially a “grown up”.

My friends and family were proud of my accomplishments and I was able to do just about anything I wanted, within reason. If I wanted to spend $100 on a date, I didn’t think twice about it. Christmas? I couldn’t wait to spoil my family!

April 3, 2012.

I received an email from a college friend who was looking to see if I would be interested in starting a business with him. I wasn’t much of a business guy (didn’t take one business course in college), yet I wanted to hear more about the opportunity. For the next couple months, we scheduled a few meetings and exchanged several emails and phone calls.

As more and more time passed, I was starting to consider leaving my job and pursing this full-time. I was met with some backlash from friends and family when I ran this idea by them, but I brushed it off and came to a decision I felt was best.

June 24, 2012.

I walked into my supervisor’s office and handed her my notice. Easily one of the hardest decisions I have made. It caught her by surprise and she was visibly disappointed and bummed. We spoke for a few minutes and I headed back to my desk.

Relieved? Eager? Excited? Scared? Probably a mixture of all these plus a few more. I spent the next couple of weeks tying up any loose ends and packed up my apartment. 

July 13, 2012.

My last day. It finally hit me. Was I really walking away from a full-time job and my own place to start a business? It’s easier to take risks when you’re young, so I hid my nerves and celebrated with my colleagues before leaving the suite one last time.

Another chapter in life was about to close. Two more chapters were set to begin. 

What is the second chapter I speak of? Scroll through to the beginning of the blog and you will discover this was the day Love Jays was born.

July 14, 2012.

I was completely moved out of my apartment and now residing in a large home with 7 other people. Two were my business partners, one was a friend of my business partner, and the other four were entrepreneurs eager to get their businesses off the ground.

What did I just get myself into? Turning back was no longer an option. I was determined to prove everyone who doubted me wrong.

October 12, 2012.

Our mobile application launches in the Apple App Store and we are thrilled. Four months of hard work had finally paid dividend.

It was a breath of fresh air.

We weren’t experiencing too many victories in that four-month span, so it was nice to finally get one under our belt. 

November 2, 2012.

A knock at the door. I answer.

“Are you serious? Okay, let me get my business partner.”

We had just been informed the house we were occupying foreclosed and the people at the door were with the new buyers.

Millions of thoughts rushed through my mind. I began to question if I made the right decision. I was warned, but I didn’t listen. Is this what startup life is like? What’s going to happen next? Where are we going to live?

We continued forward and tried to ignore the distractions.

February 8, 2013.

Move out day.

Am I really moving again? Where will I go next? Did I make the wrong decision?

February 15, 2013.

My business partner schedules a meeting to discuss the future of our company.

As I’m driving to the location, I fear the worst.

We meet for an hour and my fears are confirmed. We are completely out of money and it’s time to start pursuing a different path.

Speechless. Confused. Disappointed. Failure.

February 20, 2013.

The last seven months have been quite eventful. I’ve experienced a few highs, quite a few lows; met some great friends and learned more about myself.

Some may argue I failed; I would argue that learning valuable life lessons are in direct opposition of failure.

I’m not quite sure what I’ll do next, but there is one thing I am certain about…

Miss J’s love and support.

It’s a blessing to have someone who is there to celebrate your highs and provide comfort when you’re feeling low. Miss J could have easily discouraged me from leaving my job as an Admissions Counselor to pursue the very unstable entrepreneurial lifestyle, yet she stood firm in my corner and encouraged my leap of faith. When it didn’t turn out the way we expected and everything around me seemed to be crumbling down, my relationship with Miss J continued to grow stronger.

Offering support to a friend or loved one during a time of transition isn’t always easy; it requires a selfless spirit and an abundance of love. But as someone who is experiencing such a transition, I can assure you it’s an act appreciated beyond words.

We have all been assigned a different mission in life. Some have been called to lead great businesses or practice medicine; others have been called to teach, to write, to dance, to sing or to serve. Though are journeys in life may look wildly different, we are united in our call to love and support each other.

Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support.


Mr. J

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12


© LoveJays 2013


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

It’s important to realize this holiday is not about the gifts you receive nor the meals you may consume, it’s all about love! Go out of your way this year to show your love for your partner, your friends or a complete stranger. February 14 may be the only day on the calendar dedicated to love; however, it’s our responsibility to spread love each day of the year.

Committed or single – put a smile on your face and share friendly hugs to whomever you see fit! 




P.S. Happy Birthday Mom! – Mr. J

© LoveJays 2013

Mr. J’s Special Day


Hello Everyone! 

Today is a very special day.  Guess why? Yep, that’s right, it’s Mr. J’s birthday! Yay! 

As some of you may remember for my 23rd birthday Mr. J wrote 23 facts, feelings and whatever else came to mind about me. So for his 24th, I wanted to return the favor. So without further aduie, I present to you 24 random things about Mr. J. 

  1. Mr. J is one of the kindest people I have ever met. He really cares about the wellbeing of others and never  hesitates to help a person in need. 
  2. Mr. J is one of the most genuine people I know. He is not one to fake anything. If you ask, he will tell you exactly how he feels; good, bad or indifferent.
  3. Mr. J likes monkeys just as much as I do, even though he would never admit it. 
  4. Mr. J lets me call him “Monkey”. 
  5. Mr. J has to put things back where he got them from. Always. 
  6. Mr. J moans when he eats. 
  7. Mr. J’s default volume is “loud”. If you are within a mile radius of him you will know. He’s the tall guy shouting at the person directly across from him as if they are 50 yards apart. 
  8. Mr. J does not fit in rides at Knott’s Berry Farm because his legs are too long. 
  9. Mr. J can do the dougie and secretly loves when the song comes on at social gatherings so he can “hit his dougie” for the crowd. 
  10. Mr. J is the most supportive friend. He will be your number one fan. 
  11. Mr. J will do anything for the people he loves and probably just as much for someone he hardly knows. 
  12. If Mr. J has been sitting for a long time he stands up like an old man because his knees are bad. 
  13. Mr. J enjoys a good two-step. (old man tendencies die hard) 
  14. Mr. J was team captain of his basketball team in college & he was (and still is)  a beast on the court. 
  15. Mr. J dunks on people while staring them in the eye. 
  16. Mr. J will have a long/deep conversation with a stranger. He will genuinely be interested in everything they have to say and then be perfectly content never seeing or talking to the again after said conversation is over. 
  17. Mr. J can successfully pull a boot off of a woman’s foot. 
  18. Mr. J is a lingerer. If you plan on leaving somewhere at a decent time, he is not the person to ride with. He is usually either among the last to leave or the very last person to leave. 
  19. Mr. J wears a size 15 shoe and has huge hands – No subtext. I am literally  just saying he has big hands and feet. 
  20. Mr. J always announces when he has to go number two. And if he is really comfortable with you, he WILL leave the door open while doing so. 
  21. Mr. J will dance with me when there is no music playing.
  22. Mr. J always knows how to put a smile on my face. 
  23. Mr. J never ceases to amaze me. Everyday I discover something else about him that is just as awesome as he is as a whole. 
  24. Mr. J is my best friend. He is truly just an honest to goodness great person. He cares for people and looks out for them. His ultimate dream is to lead a life of service to those in need, who could not love that? 

I love you babe, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 


Miss J

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© LoveJays 2013

For the Love of Poetry


A good and very talented friend of ours, Shane Romero, is a super dope poet who travels the United States gracing the audience with unique style and charisma. His passion for success can be heard through every word he speaks and his zest for life is unmatched.

Kick your Wednesday up a notch and check out his latest piece, “List”!


