Running Scared

Q: Dear Love Jays,

“I am hopelessly in love, yet am hopelessly a hoe. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. I have been blessed with the ability to talk to MULTIPLE women, make them completely comfortable, and satisfy their mental, emotional, and physical needs, all the while, not becoming too attached to any one of them in particular. I mean, sure I have had GF’s here and there, but I was still keeping up with my same old tricks. Everything was going great until I met THE GIRL. From the moment that I met her, the connection was unbelievable. I worked hard to keep her at arms length for two years, but after a while I could no longer fight it off.She won and I fell head over heels for her. The problem is that while my heart says that she is the person I want to be with, every other fiber in my being says that I should not only run away as fast as I can, but bed every woman I pass on the way out. What should I do, Jays? Do you think there is any hope for a guy like me?

A: Dear You Aren’t Hopeless, 

That “fiber” you speak of sounds a lot like fear.

Fear makes you use every excuse in the book to not do the one thing you want, and not only that, the thing that you deserve in order to receive the things you are destined to have.

You are coping by finding comfort in the bed of other women; you are not emotionless. In fact, you are very emotional; you are just channeling it in the wrong way. Your perception of yourself is off. You think you are good enough for a good time, but not good enough to have something real.

If you are fortunate enough to have found something genuine, great and have fallen in love, who are you to waste that?

So the real question is what are you afraid of? You said you fought off loving her for two years, but it sounds like you have already wasted a great deal of time fighting the wrong battle. Don’t waste anymore.


Miss J

A: Dear My Heart and Mind won’t agree,

You already know the answer to this question – let’s examine paragraph two.

“From the moment that I met her, the connection was unbelievable.”
“…I fell head over heels for her.”
“…my heart says that she is the person I want to be with…”

Falling in love with that special someone is something to be cherished, not run away from. Finding companionship is life goal for almost everyone, and unfortunately, some people never get the opportunity to find love or worse, experience love. You have been blessed to meet a woman who allowed you to experience love, yet you want to run in the other direction? Let me guess, you want to have a relationship, but only when you’re ready and it’s convenient. News flash: Life doesn’t work on convenience!

You have found someone special – don’t let your “fibers” overtake your heart. As men, we do an excellent job of convincing our minds how to think, but the one thing we can’t control is who our heart longs for. Follow your heart! Spend some time reflecting internally and identify the reasons you act the way you do. Are you truly happy with the person you have become? The moment you are honest with yourself, change will be triggered. Some say there are plenty of fish in the sea, but why keep fishing if you caught the best one?


Mr. J

© LoveJays 2012

How Do I Know He Is Going To Stay?

Q: Dear Love Jays,

Over a year ago my boyfriend was doubting his commitment to our relationship and he briefly broke up with me (for about a month and a half) before realizing he’d made a mistake and reconciling. Things are great between us, and he is more committed than ever and we talk a lot about our future. While I do not hold any anger or sad feelings towards this part of our past, sometimes I find it hard to let go of the fact that he jumped ship because it makes me worry that he could do this again during some midlife crisis or something. I know a lot of relationships go through a break like we had.What do you guys think about this? Should I not worry because he got it out of his system?

A: Haunted by the Past,

You said it yourself “he is more committed than ever” , hold on to that. Breakups not only break the romantic relationship between two people, they also break trust as well.

I remember when Mr. J and I resumed our relationship after our break, I was on high alert. I wanted to believe everything he was saying, but I also felt that I ought to have learned from the past. It was then I noticed something, his actions actually backed up his words!

What you are experiencing is the rebuilding of your trust and lucky for you, he is aiding in that by proving to you he is trustworthy. If he hadn’t gotten it out of his system you would know. People can only hide what they are feeling inside for so long before it starts to seep from beneath the veil. You are more apt to notice if anything is off now, more so than last time because you are on guard. If your spidey sense is not setting off alarms, let it go. Do not even bother stressing about the future, he may have a midlife crisis or he may not; but who is to say how he will handle it when or if it comes. Appreciate the effort he is putting in now and just enjoy your relationship.


Miss J

A: Dear Jumping Ship,

Many successful, life-long relationships experience a breakup along the way. Experiencing a breakup is never fun or easy, but it allows both parties to evaluate the relationship from a clearer lens and commit time to trying new things – going on dates, spending quality alone time, meeting new people, etc. This behavior should never be looked at as negative because some people truly may need some time to analyze if they want to remain on the path their relationship is leading them on.

I speak from 100% personal experience. As I have stated in previous posts, Miss J and I broke up for 2 months because our relationship had reached a stalemate. Both of us were unhappy and frustrated. The breakup allowed us to examine the good/bad parts of the relationship, focus on personal changes that needed to be made, go on dates with other people, and ultimately, discover the importance of happiness. The experience created a 360 degree shift in our relationship and has taken our lives to a different level.

Worrying if he is going to “jump ship” again adds zero positivity to your relationship and stymies the relationship from developing. The breakup clearly made a change in your boyfriend and added value to the future of your relationship, so why get hung up on it? Compare it to driving – It’s impossible to be a good driver if you only look through the rear-view mirror. The mirror is there to give you a reminder of what’s behind you, but focusing on what’s back there will not help you arrive at your destination. He is proving daily that he is committed to you and your future, so embrace it! Live in the moment and stop letting the future prevent you from enjoying today.


Mr. J

© LoveJays 2012

We want Your Feedback

Hey Love Fans!

Sorry we are taking a little longer than usual to get today’s post up. We are experiencing some technical difficulties, but we will have everything up and running as soon as possible.

While you are waiting feel free to give us feed back on things you like, things you don’t like, what you would like to see more off, less of ect…

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What’s on the Dating Menu?

Q: Dear Love Jays,

I am dating this girl and I like her, but I am known to get bored. Lately she has been hinting at wanting something more. What is the point in making it official if I know I will eventually get bored? Should I try it just for the sake of trying?

A: Dear Boredom,

“Getting bored easily” is one of the most commonly used expressions by men when asked about starting a relationship. I firmly believed that if you get bored really easily, it would probably be in your best interest to stay out of relationships. My view has shifted. While “getting bored easily” still has some validity, it is another excuse in the man’s handbook: 1001 Ways to Convince Yourself and Others Relationships are not for Me.

The opportunity to start a relationship with another person should be looked at as a positive thing. In today’s world, relationships have been misconstrued, distorted and made out to be the worst idea for anyone under the age of 25.

“Have fun in your 20’s!”
“You have the rest of your life to be in a relationship!”

Any of these sound familiar? We are constantly bombarded by external pressures and ideas that subconsciously shape our views towards relationships and helps us rationalize why a relationship isn’t right for us. I like this girl, but…She is a good person, but…I could see myself dating her in the future, but…the list is endless. The purpose of dating is to determine whether or not you can see yourself in a relationship with the person. Do not try just for the sake of trying; make an honest evaluation of your current situation and the next steps should make themselves clear!


Mr. J

A: Dear I guess I can try, 

No, you should not “try just for the sake of trying”; you aren’t contemplating what you want for dinner – you are deciding whether or not you want to take it a step further with another human being (who has their own thoughts, feelings, and life outside of you). If she wants something more and you don’t see the point, don’t do it.


Miss J

© LoveJays 2012

Now What…

Q: Dear Love Jays,

I met a man when I was 16. It was pure infatuation. Where I was from, if your man wasn’t a drug dealer, gangster, or didn’t just get off “the yard” he wasn’t jack diddly squat. I loved how big and “tough” he was and damnit, wasn’t hard on the eyes either! Fast forward a couple months, with my teenage self seduces him and then, we start dating. I remember the first time he hit me, it was because I was texting a male friend of mine. Nothing serious. Fast forward a few years, not only did he bestow me with 2 black eyes, and and a broken nose for valentines day, but he had a “girl on the side” while I was pregnant with our first. And oh, there’s a lot more stories I could share, (getting head butted while holding our child), but I think you get the basic ideal.

As a result, I find myself being stone-hearted, untrusting and alone. I try to get into relationships, but they last no longer than 3 months because I’m skeptical and don’t think it’s going to work out. He’s gonna cheat. He’s gonna hit me. He’s gonna be broke and not contribute.

What do y’all think? Is there hope for me? Also, do u think there’s a time limit on when a man should be allowed to come around your child?

A: Dear A Valentine’s Day to Forget,

I would like to honor you for finding the strength and courage to escape such a horrific relationship. You are a walking example for thousands of women who are trapped in similar situations, yet cannot find the courage to walk away. You have overcome the hardest challenge – and for that I respect you beyond words. You were created in the image of God and He embodies all that is beautiful and you deserve NOTHING less!

Your way of thinking towards men has been shaped by the unfortunate realities you have experienced in the past. The progression to overcoming this way of thinking will be continuous and difficult; however, it begins when you understand the importance of YOU. When was the last time you looked in the mirror and loved the reflection staring back at you? I don’t mean the physical reflection either – I’m speaking about the soul.

Our soul is the true holder of our happiness and self-worth; when we take the time to feed our soul with self directed love, value, appreciation and happiness, we realize that “I” is all we truly need in this lifetime. The hope you are asking about is already here – it’s just waiting for you to identify the love for yourself, first.

When is it a good time to bring a man around your child? Not sure. I would encourage you to develop a good understanding and relationship with the man. If he doesn’t have the ingredients of becoming a life-long partner, he has no reason to know your child. Protect your child’s innocence and be everything your child needs – a loving and caring mother.


Mr. J

A: Dear I’m just glad you left, 

Although it is unfortunate you experienced such a hostile relationship, I am glad to hear you had the strength to leave. Good for you.

In regards to your question, yes I do believe there is still hope for you.

The fact you can identify why you have difficulty making things last speaks volumes. Now you just need to identify why you still think the way you do.  Have you really healed? If not, what are some steps you can take in working  towards that. Therapy, support groups, writing, etc. When we are healthy mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually, we put our best foot forward and maintain that health. When we are broken or unhealthy, in anyway, we over compensate for what is lacking.

In your case, you are lacking trust and understandably so. You had a traumatizing relationship that was void of any real trust and respect at a very young age. Accept that as knowledge, not as a burden you must permanently bare. What did you learn from that experience? What are some character flaws and personality traits you saw early on in your ex that when amplified turned into abuse? Did you find any of those characteristics charming, sexy, or attractive in any way?

You are a survivor, you are strong, and whether you know it or not, you know better. You know the signs. Trust in yourself first. By trust in yourself I don’t mean “I’m going to do me and build this giant wall so no one can ever hurt me again”; I mean trust in yourself in a way that allows you to be happy and healthy on your own. Also, respect yourself in a way that any man who comes along would have no choice but to treat you like the queen you are. Anyone who truly respects you would not think of abusing your trust, body or spirit.

Lastly, I cannot speak about children and dating from personal experience. Personally, I think it would be best to hold off introducing your child to a man until you both decide it is serious. If you are just casually dating and getting to know people there is no need to bring your child into the mix. I don’t think it should be based on the amount of time spent with a person as much as it should rely on the level of commitment between the two of you.

Best of Luck!


Miss J

© LoveJays 2012

The Good Ole’ Love at First Sight Question

Q: Dear Love Jays,

Do you believe in love at first sight? I think I saw the love of my life the other day, but I’m hesitant to tell her. Should I?

A: Dear Love at First Sight,

I definitely believe in love at first sight. Story time!

In July 2007, I was working a basketball camp at my alma mater when I noticed a beautiful young lady walking through the cafeteria. I quickly told one of my teammates and both of them encouraged me to introduce myself. I went back-and-forth for a good 5 minutes and could not muster up the courage to get out my chair. Right when I convinced myself to go over there, one of my older teammates swooped on the beautiful lady and introduced himself. The young lady was looking for a specific building on campus, so my teammate directed her to the appropriate building.

Immediately after lunch concluded, my teammate and I scurried over to the building where the young lady was headed. We found the room and patiently waited for another opportunity to speak with her. We never got the opportunity to speak with her, but we did get a chance to speak with her mother (it was registration day for first-year students, so she was accompanied by her mom). My teammate did the majority of the talking with the young lady’s mother while I examined her body trying to look for a name tag. She didn’t have a name tag and the mother never introduced her daughter to us. They walked out the room and I never spoke a word to her.

I headed back to the gym and told my teammate, “I’m going to date that girl one day.” If you haven’t already figured it out, the beautiful lady who walked through the cafeteria on that July afternoon was the lovely Miss J! School started a few weeks after and I was able to catch her attention through a desperate/thirsty act (give me a break – I was 18-years- old) and the rest is history!

Moral of the story: love at first sight does exist. I know firsthand. Mustering up the courage to introduce yourself may be difficult, but it will all be worth it. Stay away from the “I fell in love with you at first sight” line and you will be good. Your heart knows best – don’t let a good one get away!


Mr. J

Dear Awe Struck, 

Do I believe in actual “love” at first sight?….eh that’s hard to say.

Men are such visual creatures and when you SEE  something you like I believe you feel intense infatuation and lust. These two emotions mimic love in intensity. Therefore I feel it is more appropriate to say I believe in “I like what I see and I want it” at first sight. This is not to say women cannot experience something similar, I am sure most do, but I think they are more inclined to take it a step further and have a conversation with a man before deciding “it’s love”. In this case I would say it is more appropriate to call it ” I like what I see, I like what I hear, and I want it” at first sight.

Love takes takes time. No way around it. You can really like someone, you can get along really well, and I really do believe we all have the ability to see whether or not you could possibly fall in love with a person from the first few encounters. Now some have clouded vision, but if you are 100% real with yourself you will know. Just one of God’s many great gifts he gives his children. Embrace it!

So back to your question, if you are feeling that strongly and you have really connected with her I suggest you tell her just that.


Miss J

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© LoveJays 2012